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16. Interface and application programming

Processing Code

/* For use with the colorview Arduino example sketch 
   Update the Serial() new call to match your serial port
   e.g. COM4, /dev/usbserial, etc!

import processing.serial.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
import java.awt.Toolkit;

Serial port;

void setup(){
 // remember to replace COM20 with the appropriate serial port on your computer ex Serial.list()[1]
 port = new Serial(this, "/dev/cu.usbmodem1401", 9600); 

String buff = "";

int wRed, wGreen, wBlue, wClear;
String hexColor = "ffffff";

void draw(){
 // check for serial, and process

 while (port.available() > 0) {

void serialEvent(int serial) {
 if(serial != '\n') {
   buff += char(serial);
 } else {
   int cRed = buff.indexOf("R");
   int cGreen = buff.indexOf("G");
   int cBlue = buff.indexOf("B");
   //int clear = buff.indexOf("C");

   //if(clear >=0){
   //  String val = buff.substring(clear+3);
   //  val = val.split("\t")[0];
   //  wClear = Integer.parseInt(val.trim());
   //} else { return; }

   if (cRed >= 0) {
  String val = buff.substring(cRed + 3);
  val = val.split("\\s+")[0]; // split using one or more whitespace characters
  try {
    wRed = Integer.parseInt(val);
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    println("Invalid value for red: " + val);
} else {

if (cGreen >= 0) {
  String val = buff.substring(cGreen + 3);
  val = val.split("\\s+")[0]; // split using one or more whitespace characters
  try {
    wGreen = Integer.parseInt(val);
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    println("Invalid value for green: " + val);
} else {

if (cBlue >= 0) {
  String val = buff.substring(cBlue + 3);
  val = val.split("\\s+")[0]; // split using one or more whitespace characters
  try {
    wBlue = Integer.parseInt(val);
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    println("Invalid value for blue: " + val);
} else {

   //wRed *= 255; wRed /= wClear;
   //wGreen *= 255; wGreen /= wClear; 
   //wBlue *= 255; wBlue /= wClear; 

   print("Red: "); print(wRed);
   print("\tGrn: "); print(wGreen);
   print("\tBlue: "); print(wBlue);
   //print("\tClr: "); println(wClear);

   hexColor = hex(color(wRed, wGreen, wBlue), 6);
   print("\t HEX: ");
   buff = "";

Processing found hex white!

Processing found hex red!

Last update: June 20, 2023