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2. Project management

Please reference the week 1 page in the Assignments tab to see a page with a sketch, a proposed schedule, and ideas for my final project.

Python and Git

I had already installed python and git on my MacBook Pro for college.

An explanation on how to install python 3 on Mac OSX is detailed [here] (

An explanation for installing git on Max OSX is detailed [here] (

I used git every day for my job of 2.5 years so I am very familiar with: - git status - git add <file path> - git commit -m <message> - git push

Note: It is generally bad practice to use git add . because it may add untracked files that you do not want to push.

To see the size of the git repo you can use du -sh .git in the command prompt. Also git-sizer -v is very helpful - install git-sizer through brew install git-sizer or sudo apt-get git-sizer on a Mac.

Using GitLab, Generating SSH Key, and Cloning Repo

Follow these [steps] (

These directions use GitHub rather than GitLab. The only difference is that you will need to add the generated SSH key to your GitLab profile, rather than GitHub. This can be found on GitLab as shown below:


To prevent hackers from being able to gain access to my computer, I made the SSH key expire a day after I created it. I believe this should just return a warning every time I push/pull to GitLab but shouldn’t mess up anything otherwise. SSH keys should not be shared.


Using pip (which should already be installed by installing python), I installed mkdocs via pip3 install mkdocs. Note: I have pip installed for python 2.7 and python 3.8 so I have to use pip3. If only one version of pip is installed, you can just use pip. See which versions you have using which pip or which pip3.

Below is an image of my mkdocs.yaml that I used to customize my website.


After customizing this, I updated the in the docs folder (for editing Home page) and the about folder (for editing About me page) using the markdown formatting specified here. In addition, I edited the and under the assignments section to complete the assignments.

Last update: February 9, 2022