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2. Project management

Setting up Gitlab and Mkdocs

I set up my ssh key with git lab and cloned my repo with instruction from these slides and the website of fab graduate Teddy Warner. I generated an ssh key on the command line making sure to run it as an administrator using the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

It asked me for a file input, and I just pressed enter to have it use the default, and it asked me also for a password, and I typed one in.

I then opened gitbash as an adminastrator and typed in the following command to copy the ssh key to my clipboard:

cat ~/.ssh/ | clip

At first I had tried to run it on the command line, but I got an error.

Using this, I went onto gitlab and going to preferences then the ssh key section, I pasted my ssh key in. I then clicked the clone repo menu on my repo and copied the clone by ssh option, and I used the following command on the command line:

git clone [insert copied text on clipboard]

I then tested if it was working by changing the text in one of the docs slightly and running the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "testing update"
git push

I downloaded mkdocs and launched my site with instruction from the same resources as above. First I downloaded the latest version of python from their website. I then ran some commands to make sure I had python working:

As you can see, it was running an old version of python I had installed, so I uninstalled it, and that is when I ran the command again to get the result of python 3.7 above, so I proceeded to uninstall all old versions of python on my PC. That worked and I was able to use python 3.10, but when I tried to install mkdocs with the following command it threw an error:

I tried uninstalling python then reinstalling, but that did not work. Then, with the advice of my classmate Jack, I ran the same command while running the command line as an administrator, and that worked.

To complete the process, I ran the following commands to install necessary plugins:

pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin

I then tested mkdocs with the following command:

mkdocs serve

Visual Studio Code

For my text editor, I decided to use Visual Studio Code. I had already been using it prior to fab, and I like that at its base level, it is a text editor without its own build tools, but it can be made quite powerful with different extensions to increase the ease of coding.

Some of the extensions I have installed are:

  • Error Lens to have more detailed and noticeable error highlighing
  • Material Icon Theme to give icons to different file types, making them more easily distinguishable
  • Monokai++ just to have a syntax highlighting scheme I find pleasing
  • Tabnine for AI powered tab complete
  • Also language support for different languages I may use like python and c++

Documentation with Mkdocs and Gitlab

To gain a better understanding of git, I watched this video.

I learned to use git status to be able to view the status of any changes and if they have been added. git log can be used to see a history of commits, and git checkout can be used to revert to a previous commit or go to a different branch. git branch can either view the different branches or create a new branch if given a branch name, and git merge merges branches together.

I had little trouble writing my about me and pasting in the studnet agreement, but I did have some issues with using videos and pushing to gitlab.

I had a local file of previous work that I wanted to put in my about me, and I used this site to see how to put in videos. I ran the following command:

pip install mkdocs-video

I then went onto the mkdocs.yml file and added mkdocs-video to the plugins, and I used the following line to insert the video in:


Rather than inserting the video in, it had the video file download to my computer

I then converted the video file to an mp4, and that worked, but when I went to push to gitlab it ran the following error:

I tried compressing the video file and cutting it down, but I couldn’t get the size small enough. Then I asked Teddy Warner for advice, and he suggested that I upload the video to youtube and embed it from there, and that worked.

After updating my week 0 page, I went to push to gitlab, but the commit was too large, so I split the commit into smaller commits, and I found that each push could handle 2-3 image files at a time.

After I had fully committed, I recieved emails saying that a job in gitlab failed. I checked and saw that all my files were updated, so it couldn’t be an upload error. I then checked my site on the fab academy page and realized that it had not updated, so it was an issue in deploying. I then thought back to me adding the mkdocs-video plugin to the mkdocs.yml file and thought that that could be messing up the deployment since that plugin may not be installed or recognized. Since I was now embedding the videos with youtube, I no longer needed the plugin, so I deleted it and pushed again, and it was resolved.

Later, I was talking to a previous fab graduate, Charles De Mey, and he saw the size of my image files, and he recommended that I compress them, so I installed ImageMagick Display. To use it I opened it and selected file > open and selected a file. Then I selected view > resize and used 500 x 500 for each image with little variation and exception.

With the advice of my global instructor, Yuichi Tamiya, I tried embedding a video directly with an mp4 in the repo. I installed ffmpeg and added it to my path environment variable. Referencing this documentation, I removed the audio of a video with the following command:

ffmpeg -i cornerBeforeLeveling.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -vf scale=-2:1080 -an cornerBeforeLeveling2.mp4

I then looked at this site to compress further with the following command:

ffmpeg -i cornerBeforeLeveling2.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 32 cornerBeforeLeveling3.mp4

Referencing this documentation once again, I embedded the video, which also appears on my week 0 documentation.

I ended up deciding to stick with embedding youtube videos for long videos (greater than 1 minute) both to reduce repo size and to have a more public platform displaying my work.

Last update: May 23, 2022