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16. Application and Implications

Individual Assignment

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering: - What will it do? - Who’s done what beforehand? - What will you design? - What materials and components will be used? - Where will it come from? - How much will they cost? - What parts and systems will be made? - What processes will be used? - What questions need to be answered? - How will it be evaluated?

What will it do?

My final project is to make a ‘serenity fountain’ at the begining but gradually I decided to make a fountain lamp with speaker whose audio will be triggered by motions sensed by the ultrasonic sensor. It will help light up your bedrooms, living rooms or any room which when you enter, you can autoplay your favorite song, tone or any audio file that you like when you enter the room which might give you some pleasent feeling which will lead to a good mood swing and help you do your work more pleasently. You can even relax watching the flowing of the water from the fountain and tune it with the music and get more relaxed. In short it will help you feel calm and content just by seeing it.

Who’s done what beforehand?

We can see alot of fountains beings sold in the market, some with fancy lighting system, some with good audio systems and others with great design works and arts, but the problem is with the pricing. Most of them are expensive. What I have done costs less than $40 to built. Just the cost price. I can do custom designing for people who cant afford to buy an expensive one and still satisfy their need of fountain with audio and lighting features.

What will you design?

I will be designing and making almost everything for my project except for the led strips, power adaptor and the electronic components. Some of the designings that I will be doing are given below; 1. Controller board using EAGLE software. 2. The fountain itself through Fusion360 and print it through the 3D printer. 3. Box to keep the electronics using Fusion360. 4. Pipes for the Fountain. 5. The fountain tip.

What materials and components will be used?

The materials that I will be using for my final project are given below; 1. Electronics; - ESP32 microcontroller. - Amplifier module. - Speaker. - Relay module. - Led strips. - 5V power adapter. - DC pump. - Ultrasonic sensor. - Wires. 2. Filament for 3D printing the fountain and the tip of the fountain. 3. Plywood to make a box to keep the Electronics
4. Glass bowl. 5. Vinyl stickers. 6. Hot glue.

Where will it come from?

Most of the electronic components will be bought through online stores. Plywood, adapters, glass bowl, glue and vinyl stickers will be used from lab.

How much will it cost?

The details of the cost of production is given below;

What parts and systems will be made?

The following parts and systems will be made in the lab; 1. PCB board with ESP32 using SRM20 machine from lab. 2. Electronics box using laser cutter. 3. The fountain using 3D printer. 4. Logo will be made using the vinyl cutter.

What processes will be used?

The following processes will be used for my final project; 1. Laser cutting. 2. 3D printing. 3. 2D and 3D designing. 4. Vinyl cutting. 5. PCB milling. 6. Soldering.

What questions need to be answered?

For my fountain lamp I need the following questions answered; 1. Which microcontroller would best fit to be used for my final project? 2. What could be the cheapest way to make my project standard plus affordable? 3. How can I start making fountains bigger in size? 4. How to make it sell if I start commercializing it?

How will it be evaluated?

My project can be considered a success if the designing work is acceptable by the people who know about designing. If it successfully works. If the flow of the water from the fountain and the audio really gives people and calm and serene feeling to the ones who use it. If people would like to order some custom designed fountains from me even if I dont commercialize it.

Last update: July 9, 2022