About Me

I am a graduate of diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering, passionate on developing and fibricating beside of normal office works. I worked at FABLAB Bhutan which is recently renamed as FABLAB Mandala for one and half years, actively participating in many projects. We did numerous project on developing of machine out of machines in order to build inhouse capacity, helped research on pedestrain crossing light and FIRST Global Robotic challenges
Motivation for taking up Fab Academy
As being in the country of least developed technology, FABLAB is seen as the light in the darkness of future upcoming technology. I just completed a Diploma in Electronics when I first heard of FABLAB. Without any clear idea on what it really is, I landed up working in it. The idea to make almost anything hit me like a bright light.
I saw myself doing some project which I have never even heard of before. Then only I realized how backward we have been in technology and how many other passionate developers will be there in this dark era eagerly waiting for some turning up like FABLAB.
Fab Academy will be one of my opportunities where I can at least help my society to wake up on technological advancement and to help them at least make what they need the most even if it cannot be like everything.
Project Presentation Slide

Project presentation Video
Me presenting my project to JICA

From front side:
Ms. Kozue Kato, Country Officer, South Asia Division 1, JICA HQ
Mr. Masayoshi Kawai, Project Formulation Advisor, JICA Bhutan
Mr. Krishna Subba, Chief Program Officer, JICA Bhutan
Finally on the other end is me