Week17- Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models


It is a pretty important week and Neil talked about different kinds of licenses that we can register our project under. We were to decide how we wanted to disseminate our final project and I opted for the Non-Commercial Creative Commons License for now.


Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights are legal rights that provide creators protection for original works, inventions, or the appearance of products, artistic works, scientific developments, and so on.

Types of intellectual property rights (IP)

According to WIPO, following are the types of IP:



Trade Secret


The video for my final project, I made using iMovie as I am already familiar with the tool.


For the presentation, I used canva to make the slide and use different fonts to make the slide aesthetic. I faced a problem with canva and it was that i had to pay to make the slide size into 1920x1080 which was the criteria. So, after making the design from the canva, I used keynote to add more details and made the size into 1920x1080.
