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2. Project management

Both Project management and Principal and practices are part of week 01 assignment.

Work Through a GIT Tutorial

Git & Gitlab


Git is an open-source distributed version control system. It is designed to handle minor to major projects with high speed and efficiency. It is developed to co-ordinate the work among the developers. The version control allows us to track and work together with our team members in the same workspace. Git is a foundation of many services like GitHub and GitLab, but we can use Git without using any other Git services. Git can be used privately and publicly. Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to develop Linux Kernel. It is also used as an important distributed version-control tool for the DevOps. Git is easy to learn and has a fast performance. It is superior to other SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase.

Login in gitlab

Since I already have a user ID and password, i just to login and manage my project in it. Although I have window 10 in my system and ubuntu on virtual machine, I wanted to run gitbash in my window. so I installed Gitbash on my windows laptop to begin with git and gitlab.

Gitbash Terminal

How to generate and Copy the SSH key?

The SSH (Secure Shell) is a method for secure remote login from one computer to another. To support SSH, GitLab requires the installation of the OpenSSH client. GitLab supports secure communication between Git and its servers using SSH keys.

Following are steps to generate and copy ssh key

  • Login to your Gitlab account with the user name and password provided.
  • In your git account you will find “Add SSH keys” option directly or You can find it in usersetting/SSH keys
  • Go to git bash terminal and generate sshkey with the git command ‘ssh- keygen -t rsa -C “your email ID” -b 4096’
  • Go to ‘This PC’ on your computer and copy the ‘’ and
  • Copy the link and paste the ssh key on your gitlab key box
  • Press the ‘add key’
  • To check whether your key is configured or not go to git terminal and write the git command ssh -T and hit enter.

How to Git Clone?

Following are steps to clone your repo to your local server.
  • Go to your git account and click on ‘my project’.
  • You will find clone option on the top of files and folders.
  • Click on clone.
  • It will show one ssh link and one http link
  • Copy any link.
  • Go to git bash terminal and use cd command to go inside the folder where you like to clone your repo and hit enter.
  • Type git command ‘git clone and paste your link here’ and press enter.
    It will clone or download your repo in your computer

How to Git config?

Following are steps to configure your git
  • Go to git bash terminal and command ‘cd’ to where you have cloned your repo and hit enter. Example; ‘$ cd Documents/temp’
  • Type git command ‘ls’ and press enter if you wanted to know where your folder is located.
  • Command cd to your auto generated folder name. Example; “$cd kencho-wangdi”
  • Type git command “git pull” and hit enter.
  • Type git command “$ git add –all” and hit enter.
  • Type git command ‘git commit -m “caption”’ and hit enter.
  • Type git command “git push”. and hit rnter


Build a Personal Site in the Class Archive Describing you and your Final Project

Getting Started

When I was in college I learnt some basic computer language like C/C++, but I have never explored html,css and js before. So, I am excited to explore these areas even if I have limited time. After my pre-fab academy I was fully focused on my website. To explore it, I decided to build my web-page from zero. I referred ‘’ majority of the time and even referred some youtube tutorials.
To start building my personal site, I have download Notepad++ for writing my web-page. On notepad++ I wrote my codes and saved file into .html. Double clicking on the file where I saved it, makes it excuete in my default web browser. First I learned how to create nav bar for my website, then I learned some basic tags and styling for web page. I even learned how to insert images and videos all referring ‘’. The most interesting part about w3schools is we can try it ourself first before we code. We can also test ourself with excercies.


HTML is the language in which most websites are written. HTML is used to create pages and make them functional.


Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
Alternatives To Notepad: Visual Studio Code

css style

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.

overview of my website

I present my website which is still under completion and I would like to give my credit to w3schools

Here is the link if you like to visit


**This week I have learnt so many things and gave me lots of theoritical as well as working experiences. I have learnt web programming language like HTML, CSS, and javascript which were essentail in developing my website for documenting fab academy. I even learned some softwares like Gantt project, VS code and markdown. I learned how to create git repository to documents my assignment and I have learned different git commands in gitbash and WSL terminal.

From next time, to document my assignments I am going to use MarkDown and VS because I can commit less time to each documentation as I am taking fab zero course together with fab academy, 2022. Therefore I don’t have enough time to learn HTML,CSS and JS but I will always keep them in touch as and when I get time.

The take away messages from the week 1 are; - Document as you learn. - Try to attend all the classes. - Discuss with your collegues and your local instructor. - Never push your work to next day. - keep clam and keep doing.

Thank You

Last update: June 25, 2022