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1 Principles and practices.


Plan and sketch a potential final project

During my Pre Fab academy I pitched few ideas about my final project. This week I finalized my project with my mentor and started to document what I have learnt from my week 1.



Why smart greenhouse?
The main reason why I came up with this project idea is that I wanted to convert all the greenhouse which are at the mega farm of CNR into a smart one. There are more than 10 greenhouses which are currently being opperated mannually. First I will build a small prototype in my Fab academy course and once I graduate from fab academy I will apply the same concept at a bigger scale in our Fablab. After that, I will integrate it within my college farm. I have some other reasons to come up with this idea which are mentioned in my problem statement below.

General Objective
The general objective of this project is to design, fabricate and implement a microcontroller based prototype to monitor and control greenhouse parameters using sensors, SMS technology and Bluetooth signals.

Specific Objectives
The specific objectives were:
- i. To utilize different sensors to capture data for green house parameters,
- ii. To interface sensors, LCD, GSM SIM800L and HCO5 Bluetooth to the ATmega328, ESP 32 microcontroller,
- iii. To design, create and administer a program to control the prototype,
- iv. To test working and performance of the prototype.

Statement of the Problem:
1. Impact of rural-urban migration on agriculture sector in BHUTAN.
- a. Rural migration has changed farmers household behaviour by labor and capital changes.
- b. Distrubed urban demand and supply of agriculture products.

2. Only 2.4646% of Arable agriculture land.

GanttProject Chart

I will do all my small project task according to fab academy assignments with the hope to complet it on time. Here is my ganntproject chart.


Last update: June 25, 2022