3D scanning & printing
Group Assignment
test the design rules for your 3D printer(s)
Individual Assignment
design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively
3D scan an object (and optionally print it)
Group Assignment
Here is a link for our group assignment
Individual Assignment
Additive Manufacturing
Or additive layer manufacturing is a process of creating a object by building it layer by layer.
Subtractive Manufactering
It is a term for various controlled machining and material removal process that starts with solid blocks or any other materials that are shaped by removing materials trough cutting and drilling

Addictive and subtractive manufacturing

Difference between additive and subtractive manufacturing
Design for 3D printing
Assignment for the week is to design a 3D model that cnnot be manufactured subtractively. So i designed a Vajra(thunder bolt) in fusion360.
Rough design of my model

My design on fusion
I opened fusion360 to design a vajra for 3D printing
So first i drew a sketch of vajra. For sketck i drew line and gave fillet on edges.

than i revolve 360 degree to get a cylindrical model.

i select the plane for sketch on top of the cylinder. drew a circle and extrude it to make it hollow.

than i sketch a design for 4 spikes on both end.

i created a circular pattern and agve 4 quantity.

I sketch a box on end of the model to make it pointed. so i extrude a new body and cut the unwanted part to make pointed on both end.

After completing my design i export my file to .stl for 3D printing

3D Printer
The printer we have in lab is makerbot sketch.
To print we have to convert .stl file format to .makerbot. We can either do it online or through a apps to convert
Here is a link to convert through online
Open makerbot print software and insert the .stl file

Click on setting and customize the setting on orientation, infill and support type

Or we can do setting from custom setting also

Export the file in .makerbot and transfer it to printer to print.

3D printed vajra
3D scanning
3D scanning is a process of analyzing any object on its shape and apperance. The scanner that we have in lab is revopoint.

Connect the revopoint scanner to PC and open revascan software on PC. Click on new scan and change the required setting. Place the object in front of revapoint scanner and adjust it.

When the scanning is complete, click on stop and apply mesh.