Invention Intellectual property and income
Individual assignment
develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080)
and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, less than a minute, less than 10 MB)
and put them in your root directory
Plan for Dissemination
Currently i am doing volunteer duty for covid pandemic. Before the out break of covid19 i was working under tourism as a professional guide and also i was working as farmer. Our government are encouraging farmers to do mushroom farming. so I also gained interest in mushroom farming but it requires so much manual work.
So I wanted to upgrade mushroom farming into smart mushroom farming. With my project i can encourage our farmers to work with technology. It requires verry less manual work comparing to how we are practicing now.
Since i like farming and growing things on my own I opted to do Smart Mushroom Farming project. I wanted to explore the ways through which technology could help me in growing mushrooms irrespective of the climate or place.
Firstly, I want to try growing mushrooms at my home during winter at my village. The output of mushroom farming is less in winter because of low humidity and cold weather. To make it possible to grow more mushrooms even in winter by controlling the temperature and humidity, I choose to make a Smart mushroom
To disseminate my final project, I won't be commercializing my project in the initial stage but I would like to market it by presenting about smart mushroom house to the highlanders and helping them make such smart mushroom house at their cost. i want to help our highland society to grow mushroom smartly. Its hard or them to grow vegetables at their place as they live more than 3500 meters above sea level. They are fully dependent on non-veg and dried vegetables
If it gets successful than i will start commercializing the smart mushroom house on client basis and will make customized smart mushroom house with the client's specification and preferences. For now this is the raw plan for disseminating my final project and for commercializing it.
Meanwhile I will be upgrading and improving the Smart Mushroom House as and when new ideas hit my brain. Hopefully I would be a smart mushroom grower in the coming years. All thanks to Fab academy
When it comes to intellectual property rights and copyright registering body in Bhutan, there is no such registeringbody as such but the Intellectual Property Division is looking for prospects for setting up a voluntary registration for copy right works.
For my project, I wont be limiting access in making such Smart Mushroom houses because i want to benefit my people through this project.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property is an intangible(which cannot be touched) property or a invention of mind, such as a creation on design, symbols or image which is used for commercial purpose.
There are four types of Intellectual Property
1. Patent
It is an exclusive right granted by a government authority or a licence for an invention of a product or process that provides a new way of doing something.
2. Copyright
It is a exclusive legal right given to the author or inventor for a number of years. Copyright protects original work of the inventor or author over a creative material. Such as music, program, design, movie and many more.
3. Trademark
It is a symbol or words legally registered by a company or an organisation. It can be any word, symbols, design or combination of all these. It is also called service mark
It is an authorization granted by a company or government to any individual or a group of person allowing them to do a specific commercial activities.
For example:- McDonald authorized a person to start McDonal in different country
To better understand here is a link for Intellectual Property
Creative Commons
Creative commons is a non profit organisation that enables sharing and reuse of creativity and knowledge through the provision of free legal tools. Their legal tools helps those who are willing to share their works by offering their works for use for others under certain standardized terms and conditions. Creative commons licenses and tools were designed specifically to work with the web, which makes the contents that is offered under their terms which are easy to search for, discover and use.
Creative commos does not allow legal services or legal advice as it is not a legal firm.
Creative common makes it license and other related information as it is. There is no warranties regarding its license or any material licensed under their terms and condition.
Creative Commons Public License provides a standard set of terms and conditions.
The creator and other right holders can share their original work and other materials to copyright
Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International Public License
I will use the Creative Common Attributiion 4.0 International Public License for my Smart Muhsroom House Project. I understand that this license means that others around the world can use my work as long as they mention me.
If i follow the terms and conditions of Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International Public License, than I am free to share and adapt on his or her work
The licensor cannot officially cancel for sharing and adapting as long as i follow the terms and condition.
Attribution means the action of regarding to a person or anything for the work they have done
All Creative commons licenses require users to attribute the creator or inventor of license material untill a nd unless the creator has removed that requirement.
It means that if I use work that is done other people, I should mention their names as the source of work. And also that when people use my work, they will mention my name.
I have to give credit to the creator of work
For example Mentioning of creators name on my project code or giving a link to the sourse
Here is a link forCreative commons
Presentation Slide in PNG
I I have to prepare a sumarized slide for my project presentation (saved as presentation.png and size 1920 X 1080) and a one minute video (as presentation.mp4, 1080p)
For my presentation slide i used a template from