Machinecal and Machine design
Group Assignment
design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
Individual Assignment
document the group project and your individual contribution
Group Assignment
Here is a lin for our group assignment
Planning for Machine making
On this week we had to work in group to make a machine. In our fablab we are having 11 members who are undergoing fab academy. we are divided into 2 group and our group is having 7 members because some of our frn tested covid positive. so they were kept in same group. In our group we have divided our task into 3. 1st group for designing, 2nd group for electronics and 3rd group for documenting. And at last we all worked together for assembly and testing of machine.
My contribution
For our group work my responsibility is to design the components. We planned to 3D print most of our components bt the printer we have in our lab is small. So because of size limitation we cut the bed for milling machine on CNC and body frme using circular saw. To make bed we use wood and rod holder we 3D printed.
I have contributedd ideas while we were discussing on the assignment. I help during asslembly of machine.
I have designed a moter holder in fusion360
Rough sketch of moter holder

I opened fusion360 and on sketch i designed 2D design for moter holder

After I am done with 2D design i trimed all unwanted lines

Than i have extrude the design to make thickness of 10mm.

Than I export the design into STL format for 3D printing
Image of model holing moter

To control the machine we used Arduino mega as microcontroller. Arduino mega motor shield is used to connect the motor driver to the mjcrocontroller. We used 3 motor driverrs to control X,Y and Z-axis

Process on assembly and testing