Group Assignment
measure the power consumption of an output device
Individual Assignment
add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed
and program it to do something
Group Assignment
Link for group assignment
Individual Assignment
Output Device
An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human perceptible form or into a physical machine readable form for use with other non-computerized equipment. It can be text, graphics, audio pr video.

Image source google
OLED and I2C module
For this week assignment i had to connect my output device to my microcontroller board and program to do something. So i decide to connect OLED to my microcontroller trhough I2C.
OLED stands for Organic Light-emitting diode.
Link to understand better on OLED
I2C module
I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) modue has an inbuild PCF85741C chip that converts I2C serial data to parallel data for showing display.
Features of I2C module
1. Operating voltage: 5V
2. Serial I2C control of LCD display using PCF8574
3. Backlight can be enabled or disabled by a jumper on the board
4. Can have 8 modules on a single I2C bus address
5. Size: 41.6 X 19.2 mm
Designing Board for output
Here is my schemantic and board design
Schemantic design
For my output week i have used ESP32 microcontroller. For ESP32 the components that are required is available in here
With those components i have added few othe components for output and input pins. I have also added ftdi pin for programming and I2C pin for OLED.

Board Design
After adding all the required components i label and switch to board for routing. I routed all the connection but for VCC i used 2 zero ohm resistor to make a circuit

I used SRM-20 to mill my board. after milling i did soldering on my board.

I copied code from google. to get the code i searched for ESP32 and oled. than i copied the code and pasted in Arduino IDE.

I downloaded the libraies and select the port

Than i compile and upload the program

Output result