(kicad_pcb (version 20211014) (generator pcbnew) (general (thickness 1.6) ) (paper "A4") (layers (0 "F.Cu" signal) (31 "B.Cu" signal) (32 "B.Adhes" user "B.Adhesive") (33 "F.Adhes" user "F.Adhesive") (34 "B.Paste" user) (35 "F.Paste" user) (36 "B.SilkS" user "B.Silkscreen") (37 "F.SilkS" user "F.Silkscreen") (38 "B.Mask" user) (39 "F.Mask" user) (40 "Dwgs.User" user "User.Drawings") (41 "Cmts.User" user "User.Comments") (42 "Eco1.User" user "User.Eco1") (43 "Eco2.User" user "User.Eco2") (44 "Edge.Cuts" user) (45 "Margin" user) (46 "B.CrtYd" user "B.Courtyard") (47 "F.CrtYd" user "F.Courtyard") (48 "B.Fab" user) (49 "F.Fab" user) (50 "User.1" user) (51 "User.2" user) (52 "User.3" user) (53 "User.4" user) (54 "User.5" user) (55 "User.6" user) (56 "User.7" user) (57 "User.8" user) (58 "User.9" user) ) (setup (pad_to_mask_clearance 0) (pcbplotparams (layerselection 0x00010fc_ffffffff) (disableapertmacros false) (usegerberextensions false) (usegerberattributes true) 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9b94f3fa-1d5b-4015-98cb-1f8af2b8250c) ) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.794) (end 1.27 2.794) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 252e3fe7-fc34-4eaa-9e3d-0a84de586117)) (fp_line (start 6.35 8.89) (end 3.81 8.89) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2d833f53-95af-4ea0-b94e-80bb8989b6f5)) (fp_line (start 6.35 -1.27) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4051828d-70a1-4696-8596-3e888c60c4f1)) (fp_line (start 3.81 8.89) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5db15a4d-9f72-4a57-9237-0d3666cb9efb)) (fp_line (start 3.81 -0.254) (end 1.27 -0.254) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 68baab26-1b39-4921-b628-7419535628be)) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.286) (end 1.27 2.286) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 70a98d56-9286-4223-991e-59c0b3c9ea47)) (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end 0 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7b06b5be-c805-41f9-8e2a-23b1ec287e16)) (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 6.35 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 951fcb11-99b5-4a0f-8c22-d6efd2815eae)) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.366) (end 1.27 7.366) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b9b9a349-4953-4ab1-9310-ab212dc7f8f5)) (fp_line (start 3.81 0.254) (end 1.27 0.254) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bd824a2e-3bde-4608-9e14-b8d622dea8e8)) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.874) (end 1.27 7.874) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d3defb82-5af7-4915-93f8-d0bb12fba6ce)) (fp_line (start 3.81 4.826) (end 1.27 4.826) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e88dc76d-a15b-45ae-b575-943af60c350f)) (fp_line (start 3.81 5.334) (end 1.27 5.334) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fe238c60-973d-481f-a662-d6fe5ec06ae0)) (fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 1048e1e0-9c7a-4ba5-bf98-97083e34db21)) (fp_line (start 6.4 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3cd0d019-2b0a-4c61-82f1-9d93e0b22ec0)) (fp_line (start 6.4 9.4) (end 6.4 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 74658f73-bf02-4871-9ace-adacc9cfee91)) (fp_line (start -1.8 9.4) (end 6.4 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp c2ad3a49-c475-44a7-901e-50baef927973)) (fp_line (start -0.635 -0.254) (end -0.635 0.254) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 31ecfb50-7d0d-4f5d-9684-37105bb4c648)) (fp_line (start 3.8 8.89) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 492d4ccd-3ec4-4109-a693-4c18fc15f796)) (fp_line (start 3.81 5.08) (end -0.635 5.08) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 779e89bd-bee8-4e67-bd3e-192f7120c87a)) (fp_line (start -0.635 7.366) (end -0.635 7.874) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 78209a31-876f-4c56-841c-74e6cb8fd1d6)) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.54) (end -0.635 2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b0170a8f-f0b0-4b25-a7df-84d4d238f4d4)) (fp_line (start 3.8 8.89) (end 3.8 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b55810e0-896c-448e-aeab-bd3d9edd6018)) (fp_line (start -0.635 2.286) (end -0.635 2.794) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b5b5f1dd-623a-471f-bd6f-a8a8993be2a7)) (fp_line (start 6.34 -1.27) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b5e90aa2-b4c4-48fe-b486-64e22a6faa8c)) (fp_line (start 3.8 -1.27) (end 6.34 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b63987d3-c07b-40f9-acaa-a5ccb49c7815)) (fp_line (start -0.635 4.826) (end -0.635 5.334) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b6503b25-13f0-40f0-acaa-4fa648dbee79)) (fp_line (start 3.81 0) (end -0.635 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cbc1604b-e032-4c9f-99e3-3a4221496b92)) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.62) (end -0.635 7.62) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e0f9e8d9-4b6e-4a7b-a347-85b1f78bc107)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at 0 0 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 15 "unconnected-(J1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f61ff554-e982-44c6-bf78-e8b26ea824ee)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 0 2.54 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 13 "Net-(Q1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3529d64c-be7a-4bf8-86f1-f43fc0a28acd)) (pad "3" smd rect locked (at 0 5.08 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "Net-(Q1-Pad3)") (pinfunction "Pin_3") (pintype "passive") (tstamp dc135ec0-0fe9-4508-96e6-fc6c850089e5)) (pad "4" smd rect locked (at 0 7.62 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 14 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "Pin_4") (pintype "passive") (tstamp da96c2bb-a90f-4808-81eb-127707d4948f)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/Header_SMD_01x04_P2.54mm_Horizontal_Male.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:TerminalBlock_OnShore_1x02_P5.00mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 6067659E) (tstamp 248d15cd-dd0c-425d-94cb-b44ccf865457) (at 124.46 101.6 90) (descr "2 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.197\" (5.00mm) Through Hole") (tags "THT Terminal Block pitch 5mm") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/83664649-4721-4338-b51b-6690500ee158") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "J1-PV-input2" (at 2.5 -5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 200b738a-50e9-4f57-b197-9a6a0ae11af3) ) (fp_text value "Screw_Terminal_01x02_P5mm" (at 5.08 10.16 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 2d916084-6196-4479-adf2-d8e271fa0c32) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.5 2.8 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp fc80fa5b-8c07-4dda-8002-331dcafd556b) ) (fp_line (start -3.1 -4) (end 8.1 -4) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0a83f85d-78ad-480a-a5ba-773caced8f09)) (fp_line (start 8.1 -4) (end 8.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a5fcd820-f4f0-487d-8e2f-6defe7618982)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -4) (end -3.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bf67f245-1714-4d39-b76d-53f1523ab5f8)) (fp_line (start -3.1 5.2) (end 8.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ccd45da3-3d73-496d-8f2e-5edf69377f63)) (fp_line (start -3 5.1) (end 8 5.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 01657d30-6f8e-4bbd-a3dd-6a0742c69aca)) (fp_line (start 8 5.1) (end 8 -3.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3aec5e23-e675-4bcf-9a9e-48cb59d51927)) (fp_line (start -3 -3.9) (end -3 5.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 72729c20-0465-4f8c-be80-3c22bb337ef7)) (fp_line (start 8 -3.9) (end -3 -3.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a6460cc6-b11c-4dff-a0ea-9de680e68ca8)) (fp_line (start -3 -3.9) (end 8 -3.9) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 01600802-66c5-45a2-be7f-4fa2327d845b)) (fp_line (start 8 5.1) (end -2.4 5.1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8afefa03-006b-4e40-b19e-6596c7cc472e)) (fp_line (start -3 4.5) (end -3 -3.9) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9116f42f-8d27-4055-8fab-af8b6ed6959f)) (fp_line (start 8 -3.9) (end 8 5.1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a6386af6-d744-458e-b19d-8fd97b5ad9f9)) (fp_line (start -2.4 5.1) (end -3 4.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c14f4f41-991c-47f8-ba74-4a4e89170acf)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 5 "Net-(J1-PV-input2-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 42688fc6-3e24-4a56-9963-828da46dcdfb)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle locked (at 5 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 6 "Net-(J2-Oven-element-relay1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp c546008e-7661-419e-94b3-0bbb9fd14ec8)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TerminalBlock_Philmore.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_Philmore_TB132_1x02_P5.00mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 6085192B) (tstamp 6024ea82-89e7-47fa-a1cd-0f37ee126f02) (at 55.88 127 180) (descr "https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf") (tags "horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/77384558-2192-48e5-931d-d52032917acd") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "J2" (at -1.524 -2.54) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify left)) (tstamp 2dba072b-3aba-4c6e-8dad-0c854cc5ab37) ) (fp_text value "Conn_PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (at 0 10.795) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 42eea0a0-d889-4e4e-980c-c3b6b62767e5) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.5 3.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp fcb7a65f-f4cd-47e7-94e9-48c450d0d7f3) ) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.366) (end 1.27 7.366) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2fe436e0-75bf-42a2-b14a-09df5c2be702)) (fp_line (start 6.35 8.89) (end 3.81 8.89) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3db00451-fbc3-4980-9f8f-a31cdc894554)) (fp_line (start 3.81 -0.254) (end 1.27 -0.254) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 66ee8aac-1ba7-441e-b772-397a32c7c475)) (fp_line (start 3.81 4.826) (end 1.27 4.826) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 69675058-6b96-42da-8df5-92aaf6930be8)) (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end 0 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8ac2bac7-c686-402e-9f05-089e132647d2)) (fp_line (start 3.81 5.334) (end 1.27 5.334) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a2306fdc-d8f4-42ce-83f7-03c3d3fe62be)) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.794) (end 1.27 2.794) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bcd0d850-a20d-42e1-b97f-b14f9222717c)) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.286) (end 1.27 2.286) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bfcdffb4-9a75-4453-a5cf-48d0c88fa2a7)) (fp_line (start 6.35 -1.27) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp cdea6ba1-cc65-46ec-9776-a403fa76c4fe)) (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 6.35 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e2701ea2-e23f-44f2-a20e-c9e74ea88bb1)) (fp_line (start 3.81 0.254) (end 1.27 0.254) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f43f384e-6bcf-4d6c-ac65-2e849bdb75c5)) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.874) (end 1.27 7.874) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f8fd3b2c-9550-4b51-be47-a8d9567c972f)) (fp_line (start 3.81 8.89) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fa7e24a1-3452-454e-88a7-8a0ff878392a)) (fp_line (start 6.4 9.4) (end 6.4 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 32f4eb0d-8b7c-4e0f-8b4a-904219172497)) (fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 47c4da32-a886-4a7a-86ef-2f3db3797d7d)) (fp_line (start -1.8 9.4) (end 6.4 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 867dcf96-6334-4832-b3d2-cf7aefc9cce8)) (fp_line (start 6.4 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a3d660d2-1195-4764-9c63-d090a7cbc79a)) (fp_line (start 3.8 8.89) (end 3.8 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0ea0e524-3bbd-4f05-896d-54b702c204b2)) (fp_line (start 3.81 5.08) (end -0.635 5.08) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 12721b60-b423-4830-af94-c68b76872f05)) (fp_line (start 3.8 -1.27) (end 6.34 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 1d20c966-0439-42a1-b5e3-5e76b52f827f)) (fp_line (start 3.81 7.62) (end -0.635 7.62) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 29f4961c-cbd7-42a0-91e7-8ae77405e061)) (fp_line (start 3.81 0) (end -0.635 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 663e5097-d637-4088-8d27-2d72ff835abc)) (fp_line (start -0.635 -0.254) (end -0.635 0.254) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7195a7f5-2a0f-4cae-8649-2cc5cbdffe2b)) (fp_line (start -0.635 7.366) (end -0.635 7.874) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7fc6eda3-a41a-4ab9-935d-37e18cb30594)) (fp_line (start -0.635 2.286) (end -0.635 2.794) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 920101e0-4dde-4453-ba02-4211cb357ea2)) (fp_line (start -0.635 4.826) (end -0.635 5.334) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a12c94a5-1fd0-4cb6-9bfe-f7529f451405)) (fp_line (start 3.81 2.54) (end -0.635 2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ec0137ed-9765-4dfb-9cee-4a1826ddb19d)) (fp_line (start 3.8 8.89) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f56e10b5-909a-4bf7-b9bb-b5663dc8fff0)) (fp_line (start 6.34 -1.27) (end 6.35 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp fec2ae03-3539-4fc7-9da2-1b1336bf787c)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at 0 0 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 1 "Net-(D2-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp bca69a58-3f8f-4ac5-9ef0-70bfa6c247ee)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 0 2.54 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "Net-(J2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f4f6e269-d484-4c43-84cc-450e042e2e24)) (pad "3" smd rect locked (at 0 5.08 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 8 "Net-(J2-Pad3)") (pinfunction "Pin_3") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 4be2d863-39fc-49fd-99c7-77790b42f677)) (pad "4" smd rect locked (at 0 7.62 180) (size 2.5 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 9 "unconnected-(J2-Pad4)") (pinfunction "Pin_4") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e63748d3-3196-486f-8f95-bb4d9876653d)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/Header_SMD_01x04_P2.54mm_Horizontal_Male.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:TerminalBlock_OnShore_1x02_P3.50mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60676573) (tstamp 62ab9051-fded-466c-9df1-9b40d76dc590) (at 124.46 83.82 90) (descr "2 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.138\" (3.50mm) Through Hole") (tags "THT Terminal Block pitch 3.5mm") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/0f726bd6-60c5-40ae-afa3-84d5e8133630") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "J2-Oven-element-relay1" (at 1.75 -4.46 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp eaab2e59-ff73-4d74-b3d3-7e7c2515083f) ) (fp_text value "Screw_Terminal_01x02_P3.5mm" (at 2.54 7.62 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp b3dbf4ad-71cb-48f5-9655-41b47deeea78) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 1.75 2.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 825065db-dc11-43e9-aa2e-59e6b2cd21f3) ) (fp_line (start -1.8 -2.7) (end 5.3 -2.7) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0844b132-5386-469c-86ff-d527c8a00608)) (fp_line (start -1.8 3.8) (end 5.3 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6b847b8a-c935-4366-8f7b-7cdbe96384da)) (fp_line (start 5.3 -2.7) (end 5.3 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp aafd680e-f3de-44c3-b8d2-897188909f89)) (fp_line (start -1.8 -2.7) (end -1.8 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp eb14ae89-b776-4a7c-b1cb-51227ede5631)) (fp_line (start -1.7 -2.6) (end -1.7 3.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 42012069-f136-4cdf-8386-a5e648d61587)) (fp_line (start -1.7 3.7) (end 5.2 3.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5d7cb436-106e-4464-b448-3b8bd128554c)) (fp_line (start 5.2 -2.6) (end -1.7 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ca9607c0-16b8-4085-880e-b87c3f210fd1)) (fp_line (start 5.2 3.7) (end 5.2 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fe578162-0e40-4028-9277-b80f8071e7b8)) (fp_line (start -1.7 2.6) (end -1.7 -2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0774b60f-e343-428b-9125-3ca983239ad5)) (fp_line (start -0.6 3.7) (end -1.7 2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9924c304-97d1-4655-9ab8-854a335a84c2)) (fp_line (start 5.2 3.7) (end -0.6 3.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b7844cf9-69d3-4f7a-977a-bfc30d5d4c82)) (fp_line (start -1.7 -2.6) (end 5.2 -2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ee6e4a23-bb7c-4f28-ab56-3ba1b79e1c04)) (fp_line (start 5.2 -2.6) (end 5.2 3.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ef11623e-ea9c-4a76-a028-9fae209a45f2)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 6 "Net-(J2-Oven-element-relay1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ff163833-80b9-4bc7-baa1-aa11870ad397)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle locked (at 3.5 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 10 "Net-(J2-Oven-element-relay1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8d054a8d-7435-41ed-8832-6067aada259a)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TerminalBlock_4Ucon.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_4Ucon_1x02_P3.50mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:TO-252" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 6058FA8E) (tstamp 65e58d89-f213-4051-b36b-7b3454867ad5) (at 88.9 144.78 90) (descr "TO-252 Package") (tags "DPAK TO-252 DPAK-3") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/33c9cd5a-0b16-4784-81bb-8053883c3557") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "Q2" (at 0 -4.5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp c0e13d91-53b7-4de6-8d61-7c13732113b8) ) (fp_text value "MOSFET_N-CH_50V_16A" (at 0 4.5 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp b7496a40-6116-4192-b413-2a22be4b5f9f) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 79bd7607-8381-4bff-b61a-a2c7ffa05fe5) ) (fp_line (start -2.47 -3.45) (end -2.47 -3.18) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0a2d185c-629f-461f-8b6b-f91f1894e6ba)) (fp_line (start -0.97 -3.45) (end -2.47 -3.45) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 17adff9d-c581-42e4-b552-035b922b5256)) (fp_line (start -0.97 3.45) (end -2.47 3.45) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 414a1d4c-7afc-4ffa-8579-88675cedc4ce)) (fp_line (start -2.47 3.18) (end -3.57 3.18) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5daf2c3c-7702-4a59-b99d-84464c054bc4)) (fp_line (start -2.47 -3.18) (end -5.3 -3.18) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8e6e5f4d-6567-459b-ac23-dfc1d101e708)) (fp_line (start -2.47 3.45) (end -2.47 3.18) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e47d9cf3-579e-4750-bc6d-bf58b55862bb)) (fp_line (start 5.8 3.5) (end 5.8 -3.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 0dcb5ab5-f291-489d-b2bc-0f0b25b801ee)) (fp_line (start -6 3.5) (end 5.8 3.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 30b75c25-1d2c-45e7-83e2-bb3be98f8f83)) (fp_line (start -6 -3.5) (end -6 3.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 44cd273f-f3a1-4b9a-83a6-972b276409e1)) (fp_line (start 5.8 -3.5) (end -6 -3.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7410568a-af90-4a4e-a67d-5fd1863e0d95)) (fp_line (start -4.97 1.905) (end -4.97 2.655) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0a52fedd-967a-423d-aaaf-3875f20f935b)) (fp_line (start 3.95 3.25) (end -2.27 3.25) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0e1c6bbc-4cc4-4ce9-b48a-8292bb286da8)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -2.7) (end 4.95 -2.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 1843d2c0-629c-44e7-8460-03ced60a2111)) (fp_line (start -2.27 1.905) (end -4.97 1.905) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 199ade13-7442-4da9-8eea-a8e7681e2aee)) (fp_line (start 4.95 2.7) (end 3.95 2.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 1a9f0d73-6986-450b-8da5-dca8d718cd0d)) (fp_line (start -1.865 -2.655) (end -4.97 -2.655) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 48a8c1f5-4bcb-4560-9762-44aaefee4419)) (fp_line (start -4.97 2.655) (end -2.27 2.655) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5684e95c-6824-46cf-8e72-881178a51d31)) (fp_line (start -1.27 -3.25) (end 3.95 -3.25) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5da0928a-9939-439c-bcbe-74de097058a8)) (fp_line (start -4.97 -2.655) (end -4.97 -1.905) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b4856fa9-d711-4b3f-8ccf-343375c62dce)) (fp_line (start -4.97 -1.905) (end -2.27 -1.905) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b8381d48-3c5b-401b-ac19-279d8173864c)) (fp_line (start -2.27 -2.25) (end -1.27 -3.25) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp bca99a8e-598f-436a-9158-7a050d1f7ca4)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -3.25) (end 3.95 3.25) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cad44c02-7fd2-4e9a-b93a-e1b73d6a3ee6)) (fp_line (start -2.27 3.25) (end -2.27 -2.25) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f0f3907b-44e3-4106-9f24-d8ce836b6bb0)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4.2 -2.28 90) (size 3 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 8 "Net-(J2-Pad3)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 9d541d6f-313d-4469-a000-68242c1dd6d6)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2.2 0 90) (size 6.6 6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "Net-(J2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (tstamp baaf14d0-0c5c-4bf0-82d7-5ee71082500d)) (pad "3" smd rect locked (at -4.2 2.28 90) (size 3 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 2 "Net-(D2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 01422660-08c8-48f3-98ca-26cbe7f98f5b)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_TO_SOT_SMD.3dshapes/TO-252-2.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "Relay_THT:Relay_StandexMeder_DIP_LowProfile" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5A54BF5F) (tstamp 7184670c-7656-49ee-9a6f-5771dc120d69) (at 86.36 71.12) (descr "package for Standex Meder DIP reed relay series, see https://standexelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/datasheet_reed_relay_DIP.pdf") (tags "DIL DIP PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil reed relay") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/ff7b7069-44a0-45c1-ad04-f453c8bc5229") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "K1" (at 3.81 -3.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 91637a62-ec43-463a-9edc-420af478d9cb) ) (fp_text value "DIPxx-1Axx-13x" (at 3.81 18.63) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp a1223b95-aa11-427a-b201-9190a86a68be) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 3.815 7.62) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 26edc121-4167-44e5-9aaf-65f4ac255233) ) (fp_line (start 2.81 -2.39) (end 1.04 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7f9c0307-e84d-4f8a-93be-34fc4b3feb89)) (fp_line (start 6.58 -2.39) (end 4.81 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8a3381a5-19d1-47f5-85b0-cf20b0f3bb61)) (fp_line (start 1.04 17.63) (end 6.58 17.63) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a06bd114-6488-4d22-b31a-c3a8f70a2574)) (fp_line (start 6.58 17.63) (end 6.58 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c96fb61f-984b-4e24-874e-ad2f1e86f9d7)) (fp_line (start 1.04 -2.39) (end 1.04 17.63) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp db97118a-0872-4a5d-aaa5-b35f9498f22a)) (fp_arc (start 4.81 -2.39) (mid 3.81 -1.39) (end 2.81 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp cc93ecb4-fd7b-48b7-868d-89f294f07c27)) (fp_line (start 8.7 -2.6) (end -1.1 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5125c4d9-cf5c-4fe5-9dc8-c939e40fcd6f)) (fp_line (start -1.1 17.8) (end 8.7 17.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 58728297-c362-4c70-a751-4d60ffa81b1a)) (fp_line (start 8.7 17.8) (end 8.7 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7b58219a-a31d-4ba4-804a-77c6d706d8bc)) (fp_line (start -1.1 -2.6) (end -1.1 17.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b4eddc61-2cab-493a-b874-62b106cef9f4)) (fp_line (start 0.64 17.51) (end 0.64 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5f7505cc-53a6-463b-b397-33ff845b1ac0)) (fp_line (start 0.64 -1.27) (end 1.64 -2.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 60fc0348-15d2-462c-9b87-dbb507b8717b)) (fp_line (start 6.99 17.51) (end 0.64 17.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9efb25aa-d11e-4d2f-96a9-326a2f75dcc1)) (fp_line (start 1.64 -2.27) (end 6.99 -2.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c1b603f4-7037-47e9-a9dc-a0bb6f7e58b1)) (fp_line (start 6.99 -2.27) (end 6.99 17.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d09d8e7f-f203-4b36-92ba-f9f29b6e7d13)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp 325f33ca-3e2f-400b-a27c-dce9977a2780)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 0 2.54) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 16 "Net-(K1-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 9c5b8388-0c5b-43a4-a3f4-d7cd72b89084)) (pad "6" thru_hole circle (at 0 12.8) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 14 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 52820a90-7869-43b3-b870-39c015371964)) (pad "7" thru_hole circle (at 0 15.24) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp b8eb5c02-d344-4431-a592-0e7ad9f9a78f)) (pad "8" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 15.24) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 5 "Net-(J1-PV-input2-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8e981540-9cda-414d-abbb-d34e005f000e)) (pad "9" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 12.8) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp e7f989f7-95da-4be3-9e33-743523ae1ee0)) (pad "13" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 2.54) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp 92ee3d85-c13e-4120-ad64-bd390adf040c)) (pad "14" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 10 "Net-(J2-Oven-element-relay1-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 35e13391-5257-46f3-93a5-87ffd4e862a4)) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Relay_THT.3dshapes/Relay_StandexMeder_DIP_LowProfile.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:TerminalBlock_OnShore_1x02_P3.50mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60676573) (tstamp 77cfe682-cc36-4979-823b-05ea5f187ba7) (at 129.54 124.46 90) (descr "2 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.138\" (3.50mm) Through Hole") (tags "THT Terminal Block pitch 3.5mm") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/022b45ed-65b7-4e71-b86f-7ab2818daf1e") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "J3-oven-element-mosfet1" (at 1.75 -4.46 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp b400c80e-5312-495d-b0d5-8365ed4de032) ) (fp_text value "Screw_Terminal_01x02_P3.5mm" (at 1.7 5.2 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 45fc93ca-f8ba-48a8-9189-1c9886475cd3) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 1.75 2.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 6fb8126a-bcf3-40a3-924c-e2fbe8dba36a) ) (fp_line (start 5.3 -2.7) (end 5.3 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 09741e1c-c412-4f50-b5b7-03d5820a1bad)) (fp_line (start -1.8 -2.7) (end 5.3 -2.7) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7984c59d-64f6-424c-8273-5bab21ab292d)) (fp_line (start -1.8 -2.7) (end -1.8 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 874dbaf8-adf6-4f01-81a0-e037bac53346)) (fp_line (start -1.8 3.8) (end 5.3 3.8) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ee80c1b4-78a3-4713-a7cd-fc09dd9d2b28)) (fp_line (start 5.2 3.7) (end 5.2 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 01c54577-6862-4ca7-bb55-524c2e995aee)) (fp_line (start -1.7 3.7) (end 5.2 3.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8b9c1722-a1fd-4391-b4b4-854b2cc1549f)) (fp_line (start -1.7 -2.6) (end -1.7 3.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9812a82a-67c8-4c7e-8eb9-2d5188d40486)) (fp_line (start 5.2 -2.6) (end -1.7 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f9570ec9-4338-4208-aee7-369a45a284f8)) (fp_line (start -1.7 -2.6) (end 5.2 -2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 059f4155-bed3-4fb2-9baa-d569f31b7e5d)) (fp_line (start -0.6 3.7) (end -1.7 2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 338b7824-6fa7-42ef-b79a-c6dc90689f4e)) (fp_line (start -1.7 2.6) (end -1.7 -2.6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3d0a8609-a059-4734-b988-da00f509164d)) (fp_line (start 5.2 3.7) (end -0.6 3.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5a63aa46-8c18-43d5-8def-1c886562be17)) (fp_line (start 5.2 -2.6) (end 5.2 3.7) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9d4bb085-5413-4cad-9765-4f916ffbe612)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 4 "Net-(J1-PV-input1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 88fb8817-4ee2-4465-a9af-37fedc8b835b)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle locked (at 3.5 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 11 "Net-(J3-oven-element-mosfet1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a5dfaf18-d33f-45c4-b76f-2a5051ec9118)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TerminalBlock_4Ucon.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_4Ucon_1x02_P3.50mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Diode_Schotky_100V_1A_Mini_SMA" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60C23354) (tstamp 92419cc9-1070-47aa-876c-2cf8f5a03a47) (at 76.2 76.2 -90) (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/f395aa94-eae4-4891-9bcd-f2f3897a5cea") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "D1" (at 0.25 2.75 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 782e74f8-8e76-4e6f-bfec-df9b9d96b19d) ) (fp_text value "D_Schottky_100V_1A" (at 0.25 -2.5 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 6b013cb8-9e09-4a62-b02d-814d5cfa604e) ) (fp_line (start -1.75 -1.25) (end 1.75 -1.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c7524402-4dbd-4d05-888d-edab7e79a150)) (fp_line (start -1.75 1.25) (end 1.75 1.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fed6a1e7-e233-4dff-87e0-8992a65c8dd0)) (fp_line (start 2.5 -1.25) (end 2.5 1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 1558a593-7554-4709-a27f-f70400a2199d)) (fp_line (start 2.5 1.25) (end -2.5 1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 7c49dc93-96a1-4a8f-a667-a4ee5ad692a0)) (fp_line (start -2.5 -1.25) (end 2.5 -1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 96815f61-f3f5-43c2-b68f-856577233f16)) (fp_line (start -2.5 1.25) (end -2.5 -1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp a7035c1b-863b-4bbf-a32a-6ebba2814e2c)) (fp_line (start 2.25 1) (end -2.25 1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 098afe52-27f0-4ec0-bf39-4eb766d2a851)) (fp_line (start 2.25 -1) (end 2.25 1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2ff15691-c9f8-4e08-a694-3230522780fc)) (fp_line (start -2.25 1) (end -2.25 -1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7cbc8c8d-fbc1-4902-ac93-6c241131aada)) (fp_line (start -2.25 -1) (end 2.25 -1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ad4fcc27-bf1e-4e2e-ab26-9b8032da7693)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -1.65 0 270) (size 1.5 2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 16 "Net-(K1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "K") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6428332e-b689-4aa8-86bb-3bee31b6f177)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 1.65 0 270) (size 1.5 2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 14 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "A") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d5128f0b-0a4f-4337-a7f7-9a3dfe4ad4f9)) ) (footprint "fab:R_1206" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60020482) (tstamp 9cdaf74c-bd9d-4293-9612-c30a4bca9a30) (at 53.34 93.98 -90) (descr "Resistor SMD 1206, hand soldering") (tags "resistor 1206") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/a5c8e189-1ddc-4a66-984b-e0fd1529d346") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "R1" (at 0 -1.85 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 856c0384-2dfc-47d2-a66c-a145c3149f14) ) (fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp e4d0483b-1c21-4fb6-87dd-47e636746c0e) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.7 0.7) (thickness 0.105))) (tstamp b285d77c-3eef-4763-b6e4-d7759b529dfd) ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.07) (end 1 -1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 88e4f832-79d6-4c54-9ce3-4328dcb9d5b5)) (fp_line (start 1 1.07) (end -1 1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d40f18db-c543-4c22-a8b0-72b9c9e5ae8b)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6dc32d24-5ef0-4c0e-ad26-4d147b147b28)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 899a4caf-0563-4c2a-9bca-5aa28747ef75)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b70f4be0-be81-40f1-b237-a16be3740211)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d27bd75e-eeb9-4d8b-bfdb-bddce4b94b6c)) (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 55b28997-b330-40d1-b32a-125cd071668d)) (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5aa1c642-a9f0-4211-8572-3a7e8453422e)) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6fff55eb-076f-4a2f-86d3-091fcb2366e9)) (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d97f24b8-3f5c-4536-a071-0786594f3ffe)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "Net-(Q1-Pad3)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp da37a168-b259-4f98-9030-90f2f5ac962a)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 13 "Net-(Q1-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 218a2487-4406-4830-b6ad-8a4182eda4f4)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/R_1206.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:TerminalBlock_OnShore_1x02_P5.00mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 6067659E) (tstamp b79d8d99-88b5-4d84-a010-b6d768d67ec8) (at 129.54 142.24 90) (descr "2 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.197\" (5.00mm) Through Hole") (tags "THT Terminal Block pitch 5mm") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/a73de8ff-d7dd-48c2-a663-7026f1c5d135") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "J1-PV-input1" (at 2.5 -5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp a26bc030-7d8a-4b19-aa84-9206cc0de2b0) ) (fp_text value "Screw_Terminal_01x02_P5mm" (at 2.5 6.3 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp d66c8b0e-b6b3-43ea-8c6d-9724edcc57d6) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.5 2.8 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 1cd85cce-d94a-4a92-8af2-23d3a2b66793) ) (fp_line (start 8.1 -4) (end 8.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5bd90e77-727e-49e2-881e-09f4ce3768d4)) (fp_line (start -3.1 5.2) (end 8.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 911557e5-adec-4d13-9794-a18b325eb4ea)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -4) (end -3.1 5.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp af7ccd5a-4c05-4a49-a412-ca568e4c81d2)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -4) (end 8.1 -4) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d40ed1bf-6a69-492a-acf3-f71f1c7a81f2)) (fp_line (start -3 5.1) (end 8 5.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 172b515f-13aa-42a2-b6ac-db67c2e524e7)) (fp_line (start -3 -3.9) (end -3 5.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a5c35670-98af-44c6-a3f4-bbad7ffecfd3)) (fp_line (start 8 -3.9) (end -3 -3.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e7c8f673-e523-47ce-91b8-92cf1c7605ce)) (fp_line (start 8 5.1) (end 8 -3.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp eb06cbed-9a37-40e7-bc33-37acd0ee650a)) (fp_line (start 8 5.1) (end -2.4 5.1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3c5840eb-164e-426c-ab78-faa89624b9dc)) (fp_line (start 8 -3.9) (end 8 5.1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 43b7aab0-ec9b-4c58-bfa1-8dda8fccb53f)) (fp_line (start -3 -3.9) (end 8 -3.9) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5968c877-7376-4e25-b8db-5e755d570d06)) (fp_line (start -3 4.5) (end -3 -3.9) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 67320774-1745-4c89-bec7-2213f7bb7ecc)) (fp_line (start -2.4 5.1) (end -3 4.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cab0d0a9-e089-4f0b-8483-22b4e0addcae)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 3 "Net-(J1-PV-input1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a2c0fc07-9ed2-42e8-8fef-f02fce3412ee)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle locked (at 5 0 90) (size 3 3) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 4 "Net-(J1-PV-input1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0d678ff1-21aa-4e6f-ae06-abf24406f3c8)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TerminalBlock_Philmore.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_Philmore_TB132_1x02_P5.00mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:SOT-23" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60A7B52C) (tstamp d5eb7c6e-b098-49b0-b366-c8b7c67afed0) (at 60.96 91.44 90) (descr "SOT-23, Standard") (tags "SOT-23") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/ed265626-f6f5-4029-beb9-f6ad275e86b5") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "Q1" (at 0 -2.5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 12481f4a-71b0-43a4-a69b-bc048ed999f0) ) (fp_text value "MOSFET_P-CH_30V_1.1A" (at 0 2.5 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 604495b3-3885-49af-8442-bcf3d7361dc4) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.075))) (tstamp 628f0a9f-12ce-4a6a-8ea2-8c2cdfc4161e) ) (fp_line (start 0.76 -1.58) (end -1.4 -1.58) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 544c9ad7-a0b6-4f88-9dcd-908e3e2acf79)) (fp_line (start 0.76 -1.58) (end 0.76 -0.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 56dc9d1a-d125-4218-be7e-afbadad9f13c)) (fp_line (start 0.76 1.58) (end -0.7 1.58) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5c9202d7-6a93-43b3-87c0-77347fd72885)) (fp_line (start 0.76 1.58) (end 0.76 0.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp af66589f-0dae-4737-851f-f8cddd35005b)) (fp_line (start 2.2 1.75) (end -2.2 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 39125f99-6caa-4e69-9ae5-ca3bd6e3a49c)) (fp_line (start -2.2 1.75) (end -2.2 -1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8aab4608-39e8-491a-83a8-7194f36094f1)) (fp_line (start -2.2 -1.75) (end 2.2 -1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ea020aa6-c820-47b1-bdf7-82790dcca121)) (fp_line (start 2.2 -1.75) (end 2.2 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f753d3ee-689c-4dd5-a288-b018ad927185)) (fp_line (start -0.7 -0.95) (end -0.15 -1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 72e9c34a-4fbc-4581-8ad2-e93bc3c3ccb0)) (fp_line (start -0.7 1.52) (end 0.7 1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b42a4498-7f71-4787-a0f1-b44423616ac9)) (fp_line (start 0.7 -1.52) (end 0.7 1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e9597133-3d67-41f8-aabc-5b61d8d3c3c1)) (fp_line (start -0.15 -1.52) (end 0.7 -1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f0e6fae4-0008-43ed-8719-bf62839f601f)) (fp_line (start -0.7 -0.95) (end -0.7 1.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp fda94f0a-876e-4bf0-ad10-35819851e3e9)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -1.2 -0.85 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 13 "Net-(Q1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 504cb9e4-5572-4208-bc9d-30a7efff8b9a)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at -1.2 0.85 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 16 "Net-(K1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a6187c22-3622-4a1a-a49a-b21e96986f96)) (pad "3" smd rect locked (at 1.2 0 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "Net-(Q1-Pad3)") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e1df8cea-32a4-457d-86df-d8e326022a52)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TO_SOT_Packages_SMD.3dshapes/SOT-23.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Diode_Schotky_100V_1A_Mini_SMA" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60C23354) (tstamp d7b67c11-d515-46cf-bcf0-0f0ef2d0158a) (at 86.36 116.84 90) (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/f2d2a57c-b58b-4de8-82bc-1097b31c8304") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "D2" (at 0.25 2.75 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp c66790a8-2c84-47da-b059-a728d9f51463) ) (fp_text value "D_Schottky_100V_1A" (at 0 -5.08 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp cb4b7bcd-f8cd-4398-9baf-986854c6b2ae) ) (fp_line (start -1.75 1.25) (end 1.75 1.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4c38e5ef-0105-4756-a059-34a9c3247d1f)) (fp_line (start -1.75 -1.25) (end 1.75 -1.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d35d7027-ac1b-44b2-9664-3d8a37ee0f4e)) (fp_line (start -2.5 1.25) (end -2.5 -1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 119c633c-175b-4b38-bbc1-1a076032c16e)) (fp_line (start -2.5 -1.25) (end 2.5 -1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 5b29962f-685a-409c-915c-9c4a92ed442a)) (fp_line (start 2.5 -1.25) (end 2.5 1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp 669e2f76-dce7-4b88-b383-d3587e6cc0cc)) (fp_line (start 2.5 1.25) (end -2.5 1.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.01) (tstamp fb4e7351-d265-4999-adf6-bc7596c21cf3)) (fp_line (start -2.25 -1) (end 2.25 -1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3b450865-b2ef-4d25-9b34-4d42975b5e24)) (fp_line (start 2.25 -1) (end 2.25 1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7cc510d9-2339-42a7-bb31-eff1142f0636)) (fp_line (start -2.25 1) (end -2.25 -1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8e247c2e-b63e-4a70-8c32-64933e91ced0)) (fp_line (start 2.25 1) (end -2.25 1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a60f8360-f38f-439d-b446-391101ae4282)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -1.65 0 90) (size 1.5 2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 1 "Net-(D2-Pad1)") (pinfunction "K") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1aaf34a3-282e-4633-82fa-9d6cdf32efbb)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 1.65 0 90) (size 1.5 2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 2 "Net-(D2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "A") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0de7d0e7-c8d5-482b-8e8a-d56acfc6ebd8)) ) (footprint "Relay_THT:Relay_StandexMeder_DIP_LowProfile" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5A54BF5F) (tstamp dc9eba43-a0ae-45fc-b91c-9050201557b9) (at 96.16 109.22) (descr "package for Standex Meder DIP reed relay series, see https://standexelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/datasheet_reed_relay_DIP.pdf") (tags "DIL DIP PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil reed relay") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/db5a1447-d537-4bda-9599-1aacec88b44d") (attr through_hole) (fp_text reference "K2" (at 3.81 -3.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp fad358eb-4b7a-4138-896b-0d1749221b0d) ) (fp_text value "DIPxx-1Axx-13x" (at 3.81 18.63) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 8162f841-188b-4932-8603-536d516e6ca1) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 3.815 7.62 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp d7de2887-c7b2-4bb7-a339-632f4f906224) ) (fp_line (start 6.58 -2.39) (end 4.81 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1f70d207-e63d-4692-be1f-5b6fa8599d57)) (fp_line (start 1.04 -2.39) (end 1.04 17.63) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 65d0582b-c8a1-45a8-a0e9-e797f01caa63)) (fp_line (start 2.81 -2.39) (end 1.04 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e978c208-72f4-4c78-b109-bcb5e56d4024)) (fp_line (start 1.04 17.63) (end 6.58 17.63) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ea3cd08e-2d6a-4ba3-9c39-87a3d44d2015)) (fp_line (start 6.58 17.63) (end 6.58 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f69de914-d2d4-4fcf-a7d6-ce76fea2e1a7)) (fp_arc (start 4.81 -2.39) (mid 3.81 -1.39) (end 2.81 -2.39) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6e24aa9b-c7e6-40f2-905b-b9c541e0e2f6)) (fp_line (start 8.7 17.8) (end 8.7 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2a756062-4e0c-4114-bc6d-4d6635f2d703)) (fp_line (start -1.1 17.8) (end 8.7 17.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 758f4e53-9507-488a-960b-2e8e487b7ac8)) (fp_line (start -1.1 -2.6) (end -1.1 17.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 88f2670e-1113-4ed9-b644-cfdac6e8b249)) (fp_line (start 8.7 -2.6) (end -1.1 -2.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fea6a04b-4bfd-450f-890a-ba5d162e31d9)) (fp_line (start 6.99 -2.27) (end 6.99 17.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 35506831-8c22-45ab-9b57-69eb0f9ef003)) (fp_line (start 0.64 17.51) (end 0.64 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 373b5b59-9fbb-41a2-845d-56a1ed5a82dd)) (fp_line (start 0.64 -1.27) (end 1.64 -2.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4de018aa-33f9-4679-9406-fafd70ff0142)) (fp_line (start 1.64 -2.27) (end 6.99 -2.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e6b8e749-dce0-4716-821f-058d77eed5ce)) (fp_line (start 6.99 17.51) (end 0.64 17.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp eca8c1f1-6751-4304-8a65-b05952048507)) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp b6e7e52e-fa7c-4663-b29b-8d72461a55fb)) (pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 0 2.54) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 2 "Net-(D2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp af35a153-e4cc-4cb5-9b0a-a247aa9a27b2)) (pad "6" thru_hole circle (at 0 12.8) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 1 "Net-(D2-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 581488ee-fe1f-43d1-a23d-526666571191)) (pad "7" thru_hole circle (at 0 15.24) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp 58e02161-61cc-4d0f-bdc8-c497a25ae380)) (pad "8" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 15.24) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 3 "Net-(J1-PV-input1-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7da78911-dd6f-4bbd-9a74-8a3476ec1fb5)) (pad "9" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 12.8) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp 3f0c3fb9-57f0-4439-b2df-3c934842d7db)) (pad "13" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 2.54) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp f76f4233-905d-4cb5-a153-eed7fe8e458e)) (pad "14" thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (net 11 "Net-(J3-oven-element-mosfet1-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp de91796c-56de-4405-8fcc-748bd6a08e86)) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Relay_THT.3dshapes/Relay_StandexMeder_DIP_LowProfile.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:R_1206" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60020482) (tstamp e89e5b16-554a-4d97-8f95-fc89c9b40d74) (at 101.6 144.24 -90) (descr "Resistor SMD 1206, hand soldering") (tags "resistor 1206") (property "Sheetfile" "Oven Relay Board.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/84bb11f2-92f4-4685-8dbe-2bc25bca0d50") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "R2" (at 0 -1.85 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 7a332b0c-4cba-438b-85c1-9efe2690fb62) ) (fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp da7eee34-4516-4154-9034-7c9b8e2afe41) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.7 0.7) (thickness 0.105))) (tstamp 05c4a04b-0442-4e18-9747-3d9fc4a562fe) ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.07) (end 1 -1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 290c753b-3b9b-4c45-85a5-65bd9eae1f9e)) (fp_line (start 1 1.07) (end -1 1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 90b3e3a5-04e0-491b-97bf-2e8a21e1833b)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6a5b3eea-de35-4a54-8316-e56ea2a634e4)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8a0095e3-f64e-4bc6-8d5a-1cdcee192b11)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp cec22d4a-eda3-4d50-8609-c3a123c120be)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d4f9d898-7a83-4186-a9d6-9da79adbdd19)) (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 740c9c9e-c377-4082-a7c2-2dfeb8296429)) (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp afc58bc7-e8b3-4ec7-b7ec-e155055196a5)) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b2cac11a-5f3b-43d7-88e5-8d0241ac6453)) (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c9ab240f-b898-4113-9b58-995237cd751a)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "Net-(J2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 557d128f-cf69-4c70-9959-d139ac95c63c)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 8 "Net-(J2-Pad3)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 10e5ae6d-e43e-4ff8-abc5-fd9df16782da)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/R_1206.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) )