As a closing challenge for the FabAcademy 2022, I decided to build a small electronic piggy-bank / coin-dispenser that can provide the exact amount of money needed for everyday purchases.
This page acts as a landing page for a variety of resources, you can find a detailed breakdown below:
Initial Kick-off
- Initial kick-off
- Goals
- Scope
- Materials
- Components it will have
- Components needed
- Iterations
- Initial designs
Project Management
Final Project
Physical Components

- Coin ramps
- Coin sorting ramp
- Coin ejection ramp
- Coin Acceptor
- Coin Ejectors
- Case and System Integration
- User interface mount points
- Coin collection point
- Moveable holders
- Adjustable mount points
- Electronics Container

- Electronics Manufacturing
- Main board
- Servo driver board
- Embedded Programming
- Main board

- Application Programming
- Exchanging messages between Raspberry Pi and custom electronics
- Interface design and programming
- Touchscreen setup

- Video Editing
- Presentation: 1-Slider and Video
Bill of Materials
Here’s the entire BOM for this project
Quantity | Component or Material | Total Price (Eur) |
5 | 100cm x 50cm MDF 3mm wood | 12 |
1 | Coin Acceptor | 48 |
1 | Raspberry Pi 3 B+ | 35 |
1 | Raspberry Pi Touchscreen | 60 |
1 | MicroSD Card for Pi OS | 20 |
1 | USB to MiniUSB-A cable | 14 |
1 | 1Kg roll of PolyTerra PLA | 20 |
1 | Assorted set of 3mm screws | 10 |
1 | Assorted set of L shaped corner support | 1 |
1 | SMD SAMD11D14AS | 1 |
1 | SMD Green LED | 0.31 |
3 | SMD 1 uF Capacitor | 1.32 |
1 | SMD 22 uF Capacitor | 0.31 |
1 | SMD MiniUSB Port | 0.87 |
1 | SMD Barrel Power Jack | 0.76 |
1 | SMD 500 Ohm Resistor | 0.09 |
1 | SMD 0 Ohm Resistor | 0.09 |
1 | SMD 3.3V Voltage Regulator | 0.98 |
1 | SMD 5V Voltage Regulator | 1.32 |
3 | SMD Vertical Connector PinHeader 2x05 2.54mm | 1.47 |
1 | 12V DC Power Supply | 13.49 |
Assets: Assets on gitlab