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Final Project


For the final project I am prototiping a machine that is a passive sampler used for the collection of the atmospheric dust and bathed depositions, generated from the rainy precipitations (wet) and from the dust depositions (dry). The wet and dry deposition can be distinguished collected in two or more separate containers removable for subsequent analyses, thanks to the sensor that in case of rain, closes the collector of the dry depositions and opens the one of the wet depositions.

All the structure of the “deposimeter” is build is steel in ortder to resist against corrosion due to the atmospheric agents, assuring a high durability with less mantenance.


This Machine is going to be controlled by a PCB build in the Lab, this board has a ATsamd21E17A microcontroller that controls all the inputs and outputs. The software of the machine is quite simple, when the rain sensor detects the first drop the machine has to move the linar actuator to change the position of the lid, once this has finished the motor is going to triger a hard limit that is hoing to confirm that the movement has been done correctly. This machine will need someone to reset the position of the lid, because once the lid has changed postion is necesary to mantain it until someone removes the buckets with the samples of the machine and puts clean ones, this has to be done manually in order to not contaminate the samples and preserve them.

Last update: June 29, 2022