# 13. Input devices¶
Group Assignment with Luc HANNEUSE from Agrilab¶
Probe an Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 analog levels and digital signals !
We chose an Ultrasonic Sensor HC- SR04 by following this tutorial.
I used a Digital Tektronix oscilloscope.
Here is the Diagram from Arduino realized with Fritzing :
Here is the list of materials :
- 1x Arduino Uno
- 1X Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
- 2X Male to Male Jumpers
- 1X Breadboard
- 1X Oscilloscope
Here is the circuit :
Here is the results of the signals :
When you’re getting closer to the Ultrasonic sensor, you can see the signal amplitude decrease :
When you move away from the sensor you can see the amplitude increase :
It makes it possible to measure the distance between an object and the sensor.
Here is a video showing the change when the paper is getting closer :
And getting away :