Input Devices
"Memorable quote"
Global notes
On Pins Controllers have pins. Each pin is actually a little machine. You have to tell it if it is listening, or talking.
Analog compartors:
ADC. Analogue to digital converter.
Serial - there a various ways to listen to ports. Your timing/clock is important; you need to set a right clockrate. If you get garbage, you need to look at an oscilloscope or something, to look at the timing.
InPut Devices
- Switch
- you can push them or switch them
- you can read in the serial what happens.
- the button is input, you set another pin as the output.
- The signal of a button starts and ends with a little gitter.
- you have to do some debouncing; read it a little after it is pushed.
Neil has a few examples online, some use arduino libraries, some not. The ones without look more complex but are also neater in a way.
I can use the ones that are made for the SamD
- Motion
- You can use pyroelectric, but beter use radar
- Doppler radar detects movement (great for my hallway life)
we can use the little program Neil made for the on/off interfaces on your screen
- sonar
- optical time of flight: puts out a light pulse and measures the return
- lidar is similiar: but adds scanning.
- maybe us e a breakout board: it is really hard to handle.
- there is an open library on github
- mounting can be done by reflowing.
location - there are crazy small parts that will always tell you where a thing exactly is. This scream to be build into a bike... - they also do time really well -
Magnetic fields - measure to see if something is open or close...? - you can read something many times and takes the avarage. This can improve your signal to noise ratio.
Temperature - NTC -> if you go up in temp - RTD -> if you go down in temp - to use these, you need a bridge with resitors; that you can measure a small change in a big system. - Infrared: you can measure everything, or in smaller portions for more precise measurements.
Light - You can use LED also as light sensing devices. As a sensor. But you can better use phototransisters. - LDRs are obsolete. - synchronus detection is pretty nifty: how to rule out room light.
Acceleration, orientation, rotation - you might need to reflow with hot air as many of these small components have their legs under them. (see image) - these are hard to solder; you could use a breakout board to make it easier. - fun, but for what...?
sound - MEMS, for digital sound recording we use I2S; a substantial protocol - SamD has an hardware I2S interface
step response - neils favorite - it is arts and crafts: you basically measure changes to the electric magnetic field. This opens a world of possibilities - there is a key trick: you charge up, you charge down and you send both. And then you measure the difference between the up and the down. - this compensates for noise in the measurement
image processing - esp32 cam; neil showing the webserver. - the esp32 can do that for you; it is non-trivial, but all the code is there. Just have a look - openCV is an open library to do image recognition. -
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