Trulli Sara Alhadhrami Website - FabLab Academy

Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models


- Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
- Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB)

Future Plan:

The Smart Doorbell is targeting: companies that are specialized in providing smart doorbells and working to find smart technological solutions for homeowners to secure a healthy and safe society. Since Smart Doorbell is a smart solution that allows users to ring a doorbell without the need to touch any button or screen to aviod the transfer of harm bacteria or viruses to their hands.

I'm planning to modify the indoor unit. Instead of allowing users to hear the bell sound from the smart phone or tablet only, I will add a device that generates the doorbell sound too inside the house. Also I'm planning to do a research to find a sensor that is smaller and more efficient to modify the outer shape of the device.

Business Plan:

- To sell my idea to one of the companies that are interested in providing new technological solutions similar to my project.
In this way I can get financial return from my project.

Intellectual Property:

I used Creative Commons website to do my license. I chose Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Summary Slide


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