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3. Computer Aided design

Worked on defining my final project idea and started my 2D Design and 3D Modeling with Autocad and Rhino CAD software.

RHINOCEROS 7 for Windows

Below are some files that I worked on CAD software

* Grinding Table Adapter Test Rhino 3D File
* Grinding Table Adapter Rhino 3D File
* Grinding Table Model Rhino 3D File
* Grinding Table Joint 28 2D DXF File
* Grinding Table Laser Test 2D DXF File
* Grinding Table 2D DXF File
* Heptastar Mold Rhino 3D File
* 3D Modeling Rhino 3D File
* Laser Modular 2D DXF File

Rhino commands

Rhino7 Command Box

The Box command creates an Extrusion box.

Rhino7 Command Chamfer

The Chamfer command creates a line segment between two input curves and trims or extends the curves to meet the line segment.

Rhino7 Command Copy

The Copy command makes duplicates of the selected objects.

Rhino7 Command Explode

The Explode command breaks objects down into components.

Rhino7 Command Extrude

The ExtrudeCrv command creates a surface by tracing the path of a curve in a straight line.

Rhino7 Command Join

The Join command connects objects together to form a single object. Join turns lines into polylines, curves into polycurves, surfaces and polysurfaces into polysurfaces or solids.

Rhino7 Command Move

Moves objects in the normal direction of the picked location on another object. The object can be a curve, surface, polysurface or extrusion.

Rhino7 Command Polyline

The Polyline command draws a series of joined line or arc segments.

Rhino7 Command Rotate3D

The Rotate3D command rotates objects around a specified axis in 3D space.

Rhino7 Command Trim

The Trim command cuts and deletes selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.

Above illustrations are few essential functions of Rhino7 that I used most in creating my CAD model for my final project, which also includes description for each function and how to use it.

Note: Above commands definitions are extracted from Rhino7 Help pages.

Rhino7 Grinding Table 3D Model

This illustration shows my final project Grinding Table 3D model which I created using Rhino7.

The Grinding Table is made to contain dust and chips caused while grinding or finishing processes by connecting the perforated table surface to vacuum devices.

Rhino7 Grinding Table Adapter 3D Model

This illustration is for Hoses Adapter 3D model which I also made using Rhino7, that is part of the Grinding Table used to connect either the ShopVac or the Dust Collector to create down draft on table surface.

AUTOCAD commands

I used AUTOCAD software for designing 2D parts that I will use in Laser cutting my modular parts

AUTOCAD Drawing Triangle using polygon function

Polygon function creates an equilateral closed polyline. We specify the number of sides of the polygon and whether it is inscribed or circumscribed.

AUTOCAD Drawing Rotating using Rotate function

Rotate function rotates objects around a base point. We can rotate selected objects around a base point to an absolute angle.

AUTOCAD Drawing Filleting using fillet function

Rounds or fillets the edges of two 2D objects. A round or fillet is an arc that is created tangent between two 2D objects of the same or different object types: 2D polylines, arcs, circles, ellipses, elliptical arcs, lines and splines.

AUTOCAD Drawing Trimming using Trim function

Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects.

Above illustrations are for commands I used AUTOCAD software in making my 2D design for modular parts.

Note: Above commands definitions are extracted from AUTOCAD Help pages.

Last update: May 16, 2023