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19. Project Development


  • [✓] What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
  • [✓] What has worked? what hasn’t?
  • [✓] What questions need to be resolved?
  • [✓] What will happen when?
  • [✓] what have you learned?

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Completed task are:
1. Summary Slide
2. Summary Video

3. Logo Design
4. Generating idea of the mechanical system of crushing the can and the space of putting can inside the device in Fusion 360 and printed in 3D printer

Remaining task are:
1. Use 1 DC motor cannot crush the drink box. Therefore, it must not crush the can becasue can is much more stronger than drink box.

  1. The main body is made by PLA print ed by 3D printer. Since this version is still prototype, so the in-fill set only 10%. It may be one of the reason that easy to brake apart. Also, the tension of crushing is high, so this may be another reason broken apart.

  2. Make an external case

  3. Put IR sensor and buzzer in my final project

What has worked? what hasn’t?

My original plan is designing a Aluminium Can Recycle Bin in my school. It includes automatically recognise and sort aluminium cans, automatically crush the empty cans and record the stuednt recycle history. However, In this time, it is almost the end of the fab academy. It is much more clear and understand the requirments of final project. Therefore, I slighly change the idaes from Aluminium Can Recycle Bin to CAN CRUSHER. The CAN CRUSHER function mainly include:
- Crushing the one type of can (Size 330ml)
- Adding a sensor, so that the device start the operation
- Adding alarm function for reminding the user to keep their hand off when the can crucher operating

What questions need to be resolved?

Use 1 DC motor cannot crush the drink box. Therefore, it must not crush the can becasue can is much more stronger than drink box.

The main body is made by PLA print ed by 3D printer. Since this version is still prototype, so the in-fill set only 10%. It may be one of the reason that easy to brake apart. Also, the tension of crushing is high, so this may be another reason broken apart.

What will happen when?

Please refer to below link for more details for what happen next. Finalize the design of main body in Fusion 360
Using Input Device and Output Device in my final project

What have you learned?

Since I do not have much experience in digital fabrication, so every week I learn a new skills for me.
- Logo design in Adobe Illustrator
- Make an external case in CorelDRAW
- Generate idea and design main body in Fusion 360
- PCB design in EAGLE
- Soldering
- Embedded programming in Arduino IDE wioth ATtiny85

Last update: July 5, 2021