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17. Applications and Implications


  • [✓] What will it do?
  • [✓] Who has done what beforehand?
  • [✓] What will you design?
  • [✓] What materials and components will be used?
  • [✓] Where will they come from?
  • [✓] How much will they cost?
  • [✓] What parts and systems will be made?
  • [✓] What processes will be used?
  • [✓] What questions need to be answered?
  • [✓] How will it be evaluated?

What will it do?

The project is about a CAN CRUSHER in my school. Since the enviormental group will collect the cans once a week, so compressing the cans is very important to increase the amount of collection. Also, it has an alarm function for reminding the user to keep their hand off when the can crucher operating.

Who has done what beforehand?

My project was inspired by IKEA Launches Recycle Vending Machines in Stores. I think it could help our school for saving space for storing the recycling materials and raising the recycling awareness to our student.

I search some key words (Fab Academy, Final project, Can, crusher). There are no exectly the same final prject done before. However, there is a final project Bottle Crusher.

What will you design?

The designs that will be included in this project are:
- Logo design (Adobe Illustrator )
- External Case (CorelDRAW)
- Main body (Fusion 360)
- ATtiny85 PCB design (EAGLE)
- Programming (Arduino IDE)

What materials and components will be used? , Where will they come from? , How much will they cost?

The materials that I used in my final project mostly purchased by Taobao. For some of the raw materials (Copper Plate and PLA filament) provided by FABLAB iSPACE.

Item Quantity Source Costs (HKD)
PLA filament 5kg FABLAB iSPACE 500
DC motor 2 Taobao 400
Electronic Speed Contoroller (ESC) 1 Taobao 120
5mm Acrylic (400mm x 600mm) 1 The Sun International Supplies Limited 50
Hinge 2 Taobao 10 10
Buzzer 1 Taobao 5
Infared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module 1 Taobao 10
Wires 1 pack Taobao 50
Copper Plate 2 FABLAB iSPACE 10
ATtiny45 1 Taobao 15
1kΩ resistors 2 Taobao 10
499Ω resistors 2 Taobao 10
49Ω resistors 2 Taobao 10
33v zener diodes 2 Taobao 10
Red LED 1 Taobao 5
Green LED 1 Taobao 5
100nF Capacitor 1 Taobao 5
2x3 pin header 1 Taobao 10

Note: HKD 7.8 = USD 1
Total costs of my project is HKD 1,235 (Around USD 158).

What parts and systems will be made? What processes will be used?

For the mechanical system of my project: - The logo will be use sticker for sticking on my final project and cut by Vinyl Cutter is from Brother ScanNCut CM900. - For the external case will be made by 5mm Acrylic and cut by laser cut is from GCC LaserPro Spirit LS. I use finger joint as an edge joints becasue the it should fit together without any gaps and the glue ensures that they are virtually indestructible. - The main body and mechanism of crushing designed in Fusion 360 and print it by 3D printer is from RAISE 3D Pro2 Plus.

For the electrical system of my project: - The PCB produced in Roland Modela Pro MDX-500. - Adding Infared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module (Input device), Buzzer (Output device) and ESC and DC motor (Output device)

What questions need to be answered?

My main concern is the curshing part may not work for cans as expected. Since can is quite solid, it is not easy to crush for using slider crank. If that is the case, I will try to add pneumatic system for increaing the pressing the can.

How to connet between storing part and crushing part since the main body use PLA printed by 3D printer? Since the jointing part quite fragiled, it is not enough strong for using screw and nut. Therefore, it is netter to use metal or something stronger materials for conecting two parts.

How will it be evaluated?

  • Does the crushing device can be crushed for can?
  • Does the sensor can be work together? The infared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module can be sense the object (can)? During the crushing process, the buzzer can be alarming?

Last update: July 4, 2021