8. Computer controlled machining¶
For this week, I have learnt on [Computer controlled machining]¶
For this week, I have worked on:¶
Group Assignment:¶
We have tested runout, alignment, speeds, feeds, and toolpaths for our machine, CNC Milling Machine. If you have interest, you can CLICK HERE to know more about the details.
Individual assignment:¶
Step 1 Design
Design Idea for the New House for my Lovely Cat
Design Sketching
Press Q automatic selection of function
Modify - Press Pull
Create Pattern Regular Pattern
measure length /7
Press surface to pull out
Create Pattern circular Pattern
Assemble joint
0.007inch error
Step 2 Mill
CNC Milling Machine
Controller for CNC Milling Machine
Control Panel for CNC Milling Machine
Oriented Strand Board, OSB - 18mm thickness
Milling for different Plates
Cutting Outline
Removal of Sawdust by using Vacuum Cleaner
Step 3 Assemble
Grinding Edges by Polishing Rub
Grinding Edges by Polishing Drill
Size for this Cat House
Finished CNC Milling Product
Home Sweet Home
Source File for CAT House(FUSION360)