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15. Interface and application programming

Group assignment

Compare as many tool options as possible.

Many Programming Languages can be used to interface a user with the input and output devices nowsadays.

Top 5 Programming Languages in 2020 were recommended to learn:


1: Python

Can handle large amounts of data
Good at scientific calculation
Good at financial calculation Write in Simple Grammar
Can learn quickly
Easy to Run

2: JavaScript

Support much of structured programming syntax from C JavaScript relies on a run-time environment (e.g., a web browser) to provide objects and methods. Javascript is old langauge that many kind of language tried to replace it.

3: C

C is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It can be used to develop differnet software . e.g. operating system, database, compilers. C has also been widely used to implement end-user applications.

4: Swift The powerful programming language that is also easy to learn for Apple ecosystem. Syntax is concise yet expressive. Swift code is safe by design. Rns lightning-fast.

5: Java Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language . Let application developers write once, run anywhere. Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, which makes Java one of the most popular programming languages.

App Inventor

App inventor is one of the famous language for creating interface.

In my school, App Inventor is also the language that every form three students need to learn for one semester.

1: You may click the following link in order to access the App Inventor.

App Inventor

2: After you enter to the App Inventor, you may view the following App Inventor starting page. Clicking 'Creating Apps!' to start creating interface.

3: App Inventor create Android app with a useful and colorful interface. This interface (App) is used to show a Mathematics exercise testing.

Here is the main page of the app. On the left hand side, there are lot of user interface.

For example : Button, checkbox, date picker, iamge, label, list pickedr, list view, notifier, password text box, sliders, spinner, switch, textbox, timepicker, webviewer.

4: In order to control the interface. There are many puzzle code used to write the code.

For example : control, logic, math, text, lists, dictionaries, colors, variables, procedures.

5: Here is the remaining pages for the app

6: There are many function type for app Inventors.

It also have layout, media, drawing and animation, maps, sensors, social, storage, connectivity...

7: Layout is an essential function for AI. It contains horizonatal, vertical and table arrangement.

It is used to well organize the objects in App inventor to match with different kind of applications.

8: drawing and animation is used to creating dramatic motion of images in order to improve the attractive of the apps.

9: Media is used to enrich the media used for the apps. In the smartphone or tablet computer, there is a camera and microphone. This media function can utilize the use of camera and microphone.

10: Map can utilize the function of GPS of the smartphone or tablet computer. therefore the app would provide nice interaction with the use of map function.

App Inventor is an useful software for creating interface. The ease of use is suitable for secondary school students.

You may also download the AI aia file here.

Please click here to download the aia file


Python is one of the most powerful language nowadays. In Hong Kong, Python is a new programming interface language for secondary school.

In the publc exam of Hong Kong, ICT students need to learn how to write the code of python.

I dont have too much experience of using python. Therefore I would like to give a brief idea for using python for creating interface.

1: Here is the code for creating a simple interface in python.

Between the line 80 to 82.

canvas.create a command for drawing a simple graphic in the interface.

in the () of canvas, there are several parameter needed for the graphic.

2: After executing the python, an interface is shown with a text and red rectangle which indiciate the temperature level.

You may also download the python file here.

Please click here to download the python file

Last update: July 3, 2021