Wednesday ,May 19
Today is a special day, today life has lit up my page and the random selector of the great Neil Gershenfeld has knocked on my door (2 times) but as the great saying goes "a la 3 la vencida", The preparation was not easy, I have some complications with English since my English institute is movies on Netflix or some online games, however nothing can stop the magic of technology, as the great writer Arthur C. once said. Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." And today I am going to create magic (thanks google translate).
Applications and implications
I remember very well in a conference by the great Diana Di Tolla V. when she mentioned that it was not possible to "Innovate for the sake of innovating", at first it seemed a bit strange and even confusing, however today I know what she was referring to, She was referring to the fact that any new product or service must always point to a need or solve some type of problem, it has to have a context and above all answer many questions such as "Why? What for?, etc", it is because This is why today I come to show you many important facts about Parkyt "The kit for the party boy".
- What will it do? Parkyt is the party boy's kit, that means that Parkyt has more than one device, the purpose is that a person who attends a meeting with friends can control the intake of alcoholic beverages through a very friendly and playful device like Parkyt does. Parkyt has a traffic light type control, only that this time the colors will be activated by the degree of alcohol that the user has ingested, from 0 to 0.25 we have practically zero intake, that is why green will represent this range, however if The user decides to continue drinking and reaches the ranges of 0.25 to 0.50, here he is already within the legally allowed limits, so he can stop drinking alcohol, however if he insists on alcohol consumption and manages to pass 0.50, the user will be in the color red and most likely is also unconscious. The other 2 devices have a similar use but with other applications that I will mention later.
- Who's done what beforehand? Today there are many devices on the market capable of measuring the alcohol in the blood that a person has, however the prices are very high compared to Parkyt, however here you can see some examples of devices similar to Parkyt. The first comes thanks to a Japanese company called Tokyoflash and the product is called kisai:
The second example not only has the product but also has the patent for it, the company MASAVAGE SHAUN [US] designed and created the "PORTABLE BREATHALYZER DEVICE"
These 2 examples helped me to determine the shape and the improvements that Parkyt should carry on its devices.
- What will you design? The design is quite simple and we can see it in the following image:

For these designs use the blender program and for the simplest use the tinkercad online platform.

- What materials and components will be used? The components used to carry out parkyt are the following: .Attiny85 .WS2812 .Lithium ion battery .MQ2 Sensor .TP4056 module
These components are the most basic components for the realization of the electronic system, to which some additional components such as bakelites, resistors, tin, etc. can be added, etc. For the creation of the Parkyt case, only flexible filament and a 3D printer were used.
- How much will they cost and Where will come from? The initial idea when making parkyt is to have a very accessible solution in the economic sense, for this we can place some prices of the most important components: .Attiny85 2.62 $ .WS2812 0.08 $ .Lithium ion battery 150mah 1.84 $ .Sensor MQ2 2.62 $ .Tp4056 module 1.31 $ All this gives us an approximate of 8 dollars, which could be rounded to 10 $ counting with the additional components or the expense of the filament, a very affordable cost compared to other devices on the market.On the other hand, all Parkyt components are found in the local market and are very easy to find.
-What parts and systems will be made? What processes will be used? The system that Parkyt uses is a simple system with an input sensor (MQ2) and an output actuator (WS2812), the rest is in the hands of the attiny85 microcontroller which will determine the colors of the neopixel ws2812 depending on the sensor's signal input. MQ2, for the manufacture of Parkyt you will only need a 3D printer, a laser cutter in case they are made in another material and the electronic system. Finally, beyond the functional part, Parkyt is made to take care of us in a fun way, and you, are you ready to try Parkyt?
-What questions need to be answered ? The questions that must be answered are actually many since at the user level it is very easy to use the device but at the level of how well it can work in different people and for which people this product is recommended or not and as you always know There are different variables which can modify the experience with the product.
-How will it be evaluated? To consider Parkyt successful, we must first take into account the following details and in this order to say that Parkyt's system as a whole works correctly: -Parkyt has an internal 300mah battery, which fulfills a fundamental mission, if this battery is not working we will not be able to turn on our Parkyt, so the first thing we must consider is the correct operation of the battery. -Speaking of the battery, we must also make sure that the tp4056 battery charger is in optimal conditions because it is the one that is in charge of supplying electrical charge to the battery again when it is discharged. -In our electronic system, a green or amber light will let us know that the device is working correctly when it is turned on, after that it is time to test it, a test that is commonly done is blowing when no alcohol has been drunk, this action should give us a green light, that way we will know that parkyt is ready to be used. -Finally, we must verify that there is no abnormal behavior in the operation of parkyt, such as lights of other colors or some overheating in the system.