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8. Embedded programming

This week’s individual assignment is; - read a microcontroller data sheet - program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible

For the assignments, I created programs with Arduino language and C language for my board produced two weeks ago in the local sessions by referring to examples in Arduino and example created by my instructor.

Group assignment written here

I worked on RaspberryPi Pico in Group assignment for comparison in our group.

My board

My board has a LED light and a button. LED used PA07, Button PA06 pin. My board

DigiKey Data Sheet of ATTINY412

I have read and referred to the datasheet to know coding expressions during my programming exercises.


Programming - Arduino language

Arduino settings - Add additional Board in Preference - Select a group including ATtiny412 in Board Manager - Select chip ATtiny412 - Select Programmer Serial Port pyupdi style - Select Port as confirmed by a command line /dev | grep -i usb in terminal.

Arduino setup

Open Blink in Example of Arduino and modified for my board. Pin number identified from the Pinout chart. Since LED used PA7, Pin number of PWM was “1”. The example code uses a variable about PIN as LED_BUILTTIN but for me, defined Pin Number using Const int LedPin= 1.

The program verified, uploaded to my board and properly worked.

Blink program

video link


Starting from an example of button of Arduino. Incorporated Blink Program above.


Tried to do different way of coding by referring ATtiny412 data sheet. Per our instructor, with this coding compile and upload would be faster that that of Arduino IDE.

Blink was successfully uploaded and worked as expected.

DDR Blink

video link

Button and blink

The program was complied without error but didn’t work. Probably If expression underlined in green had problem. However this case was good for me to teach me how to read Data sheet.

DDR Button Blink

Programming - C language

After the Saturday’s local session, our instructor presented an example of program used C language. It was written for ATtiny1614. I tried it with some adjustments for my ATtiny412. I’d like to write steps down I did for this programming for future references.

Instructor’s example

Pin numbers were replaced with mine. PA6 is connected to Switch button, PA7 is to LED. C Programming Using PA[N] of Datasheet because code written in resistor, not same as PWM number used in Arduino.

Step 1 : Check Serial USB Serial Port

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % ls /dev | grep -i usb

Step 2 : See if 412.simpleblink.c & t412.simpleblink.c.ino is saved under the build folder

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % cd arduino
shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air arduino % cd build
shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % ls
build.options.json  t412.simpleblink.c
compile_commands.json   t412.simpleblink.c.ino

Step 3 : Compile

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % arduino-cli compile --fqbn megaTinyCore:megaavr:atxy4 --build-path ~/Arduino/build t412.simpleblink.c -v

Details of compile lines

Step 4 : Confirm *hex file created under the build holder.

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % ls ~/Arduino/build/*hex

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % ls
build.options.json      t412.simpleblink.c
compile_commands.json       t412.simpleblink.c.ino.bin
core                t412.simpleblink.c.ino.eep
includes.cache          t412.simpleblink.c.ino.elf
libraries           t412.simpleblink.c.ino.hex
preproc             t412.simpleblink.c.ino.lst

Step 5 : Instrall

Tried programing but failed due to No

shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % ls ~/Arduino/build/*hex
shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % -d tiny412 -c /dev/tty.usbserial-D307RG9R -b 57600 -f t412.simpleblink.c.ino.hex
zsh: command not found:
Step 5-1 : Create virtual environment -env1
shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % python3 -m venv env1
Step 5-2 : Activate env1, shown as (env1) if successfully activated
shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % source ~/env1/bin/activate
Step 5-3 : pip install
(env1) shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % pip install

Detailed lines of PIP Instrall

Step 6 : Upload - Programming t412simpleblink.c.ino.hex to my board

(env1) shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air ~ % cd ~/Arduino/build
(env1) shinobuishimura@ShinobunoMacBook-Air build % pyupdi -d tiny412 -c /dev/tty.usbserial-D307RG9R -b 57600 -f t412.simpleblink.c.ino.hex    
Device info: {'family': 'tinyAVR', 'nvm': 'P:0', 'ocd': 'D:0', 'osc': '3', 'device_id': '1E9223', 'device_rev': '0.1'}

Programming successful



Data sheet for ATtiny 412

ino files

Last update: July 5, 2021