18. Invention, intellectual property, and income


  • assignment: develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
  • prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory

Dissemination (Sharing) and Intellectual Property

The main place to share my project will be in FabCloud, in the future I will post in more platforms i.e. GitHub, GitLab, Instructable, WikiFactory, etc.

About Intellectual Property Neil’s class open my eyes how the process is not as simple as I thought, and to tell the truth, I don’t thing my project can generate any kind of patent because most of my work was possible by using open-source tools.

But in the future if I decide to think more about Intellectual Property I probably will choose a Creative Commons Licenses. They have a nice tool that generate even the text description and logo out of your answers.

Final thought about Income, being totally honest the main reason to make this project was based on what I’d learn from it and to make my son happy :).

Presentation Drafts


The slide was created in the canvas site with the size of 1920x1080 and exported as png.

Image1 - Draft Slide


The video was done using a free app name Capcut. I saw a tutorial in youtube of Jefe Vilanova and was enough to make my video.

Link to video

Little dirty secret: I use WhatsApp to rezise de video. I sent to my wife and the video was 10 mb.

Update The video quality was bad so because of that i used the frreconvert site to compress the video with good quality

Note: due to the Fabacademy course I change the name of the lab that I am responsible. Before was prototype lab now is Digital fabrication Lab. Note 2: I add a new class (digital fabrication) in the automation and control course that I am a professor.