Mechanical Design, Machine Design

Assignment Requirements:

  • Mechanical Design (part 1 of 2)
  • Machine Design (part 2 of 2)
  • Learning Outcomes:

  • Work and communicate effectively in a team and independently.
  • Design, plan and build a system.
  • Analyse and solve technical problems.
  • Recognise opportunities for improvements in the design.

  • Introduction:

    In this week we decided to design and make a modular cnc machine that could have many different attachments, all while controlled through a simple interface of G-code. The machine can perform milling and laser engraving operations. For the beginning, we decided to make it like a plotter to draw simple shape with a pen, then we can build and improve its mechanism to be more complex. Yoe can find the all documentation for this week in our . group assignment page

    My contribution: Being a mechanical engineer, I have a good experience dealing with mechanical design and mechanisms, I am using a lot of CAD/CAM software and operated a lot of digital and manual machines. But, here I decided to be responsible for the electronics and control part to have different knowledge and experience and to explore this field

    Steps in General:

    Steps in Details:

    Step(1): Exploring the electronic components

    Step(2): Controling the CNC machine:

    Step(3): Final Results

    Manual Movement

    Automatic Movement