About me

Hi! I am Sebastian Castañeda. I am an artesan based in Lima currently working on smoking parafernalia, toys, accesories and desing. I’ve been modificating and creating things since im seven years old! so being in the academy feels just like the right thing for me!

Visit this instagram page to see my work! @el_huebong

My background

Before I knew about the lab and digital fabrication at all, I was studying a carreer that I thought was my ‘big break’ but since i find out what digital fabrication was I completely fell in love with the program.

Previous work

I used to study psychology a few years ago, but after a long time thinking about it, I decided to follow my dreams and become a creator.

Project A

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While this is an image from the assets/images folder. Never use absolute paths (starting with /) when linking local images, always relative.

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