
The Blinds Glasses (ZeroV)



My Grandmother had problems with her vision due to high level of sugar in the blood and she died after a that with a heart attack and my Late grandfather Suleiman Hamdan was a poet and his Role Model in poetry was the great well known peot Al Mutanabi and one of the greatest thing that Al Mutanabi said was “I am who the blinds saw my poets” so it was a double inspiration from my grandparents to contirbute in the Vision World.

Types of Vision



The word blindness is used for complete or nearly complete vision loss, which is not correctable by standard glasses, contact lenses, or medicine. Common causes of blindness are macular degeneration, infections of the cornea or retina, glaucoma, traumatic injuries, diabetes, etc. The treatment and prognosis for blindness is dependent on its cause.


Cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the pupil. Most cataracts are related to aging and can occur in both the eyes. Surgery is the only way to remove a cataract and is usually safe and effective, resulting in improvement of vision. Most common symptoms of a cataract are cloudy, blurry, or misty vision.

Color Blindness

Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency (CVD), is a deficiency in the way you see a color. It affects males more frequently than females, red-green color deficiency is the most common form of color blindness. Color blindness is hereditary and is passed on from mother to son. It can also be caused by eye diseases, aging or retina damage.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is most common among people with diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy affects when high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels in the retina causing it to swell and leak. It can cause blindness if left untreated. It can be prevented with early detection, diabetes management and routine eye checkups.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a condition in which eyes do not produce enough tears to lubricate the eye surface, resulting in eye irritation and vision problems. It may be caused by diseases, aging, medication, and eye structure problems. Symptoms may include itching, blurry vision, pain or redness and is treatable by a medical professional through prescriptions and lubricating eye drops.


Tools used in making the initial Minimum Value Product (MVP)

IR Sensor (Transmitter and Reciver)

Sun Glasses




LM 325

Low power dual operational Amplifier

9 Volt battery

Procedure of working

When any object stands in the way of the IR sensor ray (within 30 cms) the ray go back to the receiver and then it sends a signal that drives through the circuit and finally the buzzer buzz which alert the Blind man/women that there is an object in front of him/her.
