3D design

Assigment objectives

  1. Week 5 Group assignement
  2. Design a 3d printing object: Klein bottle
  3. Print the 3D printing object
  4. Scan object: a cup and a face

Machine used

  1. Desktop computer
  2. 3D printing machine:
  3. 3D scannind device: 3D sense


  1. PLA

Software used

  1. FUsion 360
  2. CURA


Group assigment: Characterize the

Under Construction

Design a 3d printing object: Klein bottle

I decided to design a klein bottle due to my fascination in mathematics, I found a simple fusion 360 design on youtube

To design I did not put many parametric object except the width of the object which was set to 2mm, and i sketched, the sketch was fairly simple where you just have 2 draw 2 curves, the first act as the path the top of the klein bottle will follow to reach down on the botom, and the other curves, is a closed surface, and it will be used as the solid shape that surrounds the klein bottle, it is more like a bottle without any top, the in the middle I made sure to add a line that will be used later

To extrude I used the revolved option, to revolve you select the second curved surface and you revolve it on the line in the middle, below is the result

Next step was to linked it up with the head of the klein bottle to the remaining part, but first I had to look inside, so I used section analysis

To link the top with the bottom, I used the sweep option in modify, the I selected the curved line I created in sketch and the surface on top of the new bottle create when I resolved, and the design was done

However to make it more beatufil, I rendered the image and made it look like a transparent glass

Laslty I converted the designed object into stl for it to be 3D printer

Print the 3D printing object

To 3D print I first open the stl file in CURA<, It came not well aligned so I had to rotate it, to make it uprght, then I check the dimensions of my design and I found it had 64mm of length, 60mm of width and 100 of height, so as I wanted the design to take less time I reduced the dimension to make the height 42mm

For other parameters the first design I decided to keep the default parameters including keep the support at 20%


The 3D printing process went without a glitch, however the result was not good since the support was blockading the entrance of the Klein bottle

So I removed the support and the design was much better

Scan object: a cup and a face

Under Construction