The main purpose of this assignment is to add also an output device on the board that i have printed and solder an attiny44,let's
first see what is an output device in electronics.

Output device: is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into a human-perceptible form.
here in this assignment i have used lcd screen as an output device.i have opted to use the lcd screen because it is one of the
components i have used in the Final project.

Here is the eagle schematic Design:The board design:

In the above schematic the lcd is conected to this 2*5 pin header,the challenge is that if you are not familiar with this lcd display on how it is
connected to arduino you can check on this link lcd to arduino.

These are component names i have used in this assignment:

No Electronic Components used
1 ATtiny44
2 Capacitor
3 Pin headers
4 lcd display
5 Jumpers

After soldering all component,it is time now to upload the code.see how the full soldered board looks like in the Final project. I have used used
arduino IDE download arduino and the usbtiny programmer to program my board as i did in other assignments.

Arduino codes

#include LiquidCrystal.h
int contrast =110;
const int rs = PA5, en = PA4, d4 = PA2, d5 = PA3, d6 = PA0, d7 = PA1;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
lcd.print(" Welcome To ");
lcd.print(" Fablab Rwanda ");

After uploading the above code on my board the demonstration video below shows how my project is working.i have only used display to print
something on it.

Files: Download