Assignment 10 objective

For this assignment we are suppose to answer few questions related to our project and the process to reach the final project. The assignment helped to me make more research on the final project and show some progress.

Learning outcomes:

  • Define the scope of a project.
  • Develop a project plan.

  • Assignment Questions

      1- What will it do?

    The function of the final project device is to keep track of the use of machines at the fablab. The user should scan his membership card to the device and choose the duration needed to use the machine. The device will send the users information to the fablab instructor (User info tracking) and notify the user when time is completed by sound beeping (Time tracking)..

      2- Who has done what beforehand?

    The idea of my project is similar to multiple projects available in the internet, however the difference appears in the application and programming. Based on my research in the internet, I found multiple resource that will help me to build my device. Below shown links and description of project related to my final project and will help me to reach my objective:

      IOT Temperature data collector: Device consists of ESP8266 NodeMCU and connected to Google sheet where all data from the Temp sensor is recorded.
      IOT attendance tracker:Device consists of ESP8266 NodeMCU, RFID reader and connected to Google sheet where all data of the attendance of the lab members is recorded.

      3- What will you design?

    Two major parts to be designed.
    1- The outer cover (container): The outer cover will be designed using CAD software to fit all the electronic components inside the device container. Proper dimension will be taking into consideration to optimize the design and build a futuristic design. The container will be printed using the 3D printer and stickers will be added using Vinyl cutter.
    2- The electronics design: Electronics will be used to design the project and achieve the objective.

      4- What materials and components will be used?

    Components will be used:

      - ESP8266 NodeMCU
      - RFID reader and ship
      - Jumper wire
      - LCD display
      - Buttons
    Material will be used:
      - 3D printing Filament
      - Vinyl sheet for Vinyl cutting
      - screws and nuts

      5- Where will they come from?

    All components and material are available at QBIC fablab inventory, however if I need any component not available in the lab, I will purchase it from our local suppliers.

      Electronic supplier:
      Filament suppler:

      6- How much will they cost?


      7- What parts and systems will be made?

    The parts will be fabricated using Ultimaker 3D printer available in the lab. For the preliminary design, the container consists of 2 parts which is presented in the Final project pager.

    The system will be created to solve the problems faced in the lab. The designed system should solve the problem of the lack of machine operation tracking. As well as increase safety precaution in the workspace. The designed system will record the user information and alerts the fablab technician/instructor in case of not allowed users.

      8- What processes will be used?

    1. Brainstorming and background studies
    2. Electronics design and production.
    3. Embedded programming.
    4. Networking and interfacing.
    5. Additive manufacturing.
    6. Assembling.
    7. Computer controlled cutting.

      9- What questions need to be answered?

    The main question that need to be answered are the following:

    How the system will operate? How to optimize the component and connection needed? How to program the device ?

      10- How will it be evaluated?

    The evaluation process should be as the following:

    The designed product: Look and feel, Product functionality, Does the product scan the RFID and send and an alert to the fablab instructor?