
Hey, I’m Brigette!


<<<<<<< HEAD So, why am I doing FabAcademy??? It’s kind of hard to pinpoint at first; I got a lot of reasons. I have a good amount of experience in the fabrication field already, almost since 6th grade. I was able to attend Fab14 in Toulouse, France and got the full STEM experience (and I also got to meet Neil Gershenfeld. I might be geeking out a bit.) I got to go to a fancy private school where I took Digital Engineering and an introductory course in how to use a FabLab called Learn to Make. I was stoked about Learn to Make since I’d just be repeating all the same stuff I had already learned, but just have a little more liberty to do my own thing. One thing I did not realize, however, is that I’d become an ‘instructor’ so to say. I was helping out a lot of my classmates, most of whom were disinterested in the topic. That was a prettu big jab at my heart, considering that I thought this was the coolest thing, but I guess it really wasn’t to everyone. Well, at least the process wasn’t fun. Everyone loved seeing the final verision of everything, but they never really appreaciated the process. ======= So, why am I doing FabAcademy? It’s kind of hard to pinpoint at first; I got a lot of reasons. I have a good amount of experience in the fabrication field already, almost since 6th grade. I was able to attend Fab14 in Toulouse, France and got the full STEM experience (and I also got to meet Neil Gershenfeld. I might be geeking out a bit.) I got to go to a fancy private school where I took Digital Engineering and an introductory course in how to use a FabLab called Learn to Make. I was stoked about Learn to Make since I’d just be repeating all the same stuff I had already learned, but just have a little more liberty to do my own thing. One thing I did not realize, however, is that I’d become an ‘instructor’ so to say. I was helping out a lot of my classmates, most of whom were disinterested in the topic. That was a prettu big jab at my heart, considering that I thought this was the coolest thing, but I guess it really wasn’t to everyone. Well, at least the process wasn’t fun. Everyone loved seeing the final verision of everything, but they never really appreaciated the process. ;)


Here is my test for pushing with git!