Raspberry Pi Tips


Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2

  $ cat /etc/debian_version

timidity is a multi platform software MIDI sound source software that is originally developed by Tuukka Toivenen. timidity++ is inherited maintainance version of timidity owned by Japaneve developers.

Install timidity++

  $ sudo apt-get install timidity timidity-interfaces-extra;

Install sounce source packages

  $ sudo apt-get install freepats fluid-soundfont-gm fluid-soundfont-gs;

Add user to audio group

  $ gpasswd -a pi audio

Run timidity MIDI player

  $ timidity -ig -Oe

Simply play MIDI file

  # timidity "file name"
  $ timidity The_Castle_of_Dromore.mid 

Use Sound source packages (not sure about this)

  $ timidity -ig -Oe -x 'source /etc/timidity/fluidr3_gm.cfg'

Run timidity++ as backend of Jack sound server (qjackctrl)

$ timidity -ig -Oj;


Run timidity++ as an ALSA sequencer interface server

  $ timidity -iA -Oe --sequencer-ports=1;
  $ pi@homepi:~/repo/tatoflam/python_audio $ aplaymidi -l
    Port    Client name                      Port name
    14:0    Midi Through                     Midi Through Port-0
    24:0    microKEY-25                      microKEY-25 MIDI 1
    131:0    TiMidity                         TiMidity port 0

Ref: Run timidity++ as an ALSA sequencer interface server

Make sound in operation by timidity with jack

  # Permit realtime priority execution
  $ pwd
  $ sudo vi audio.conf
  (add line of "")

  # Run jack sound server

  $ qjackctl &

 # Run timidity as a backend of jack sound server
  # Run timidity as an ALSA sequencer with buffering
  # with realtime priority and buffering (3 period, )

  $ timidity -iA -Oj --buffer-fragments=2,8 --realtime-priority=90  --sequencer-ports=1;

timidity++ open the audio sound port after MIDI access done. So, sound output port at jack control will be shown after connecting MIDI input device to timidity++

