15. Mechanical design and machine design

Due date 2024/04/02

  1. Conceive (what phenomenon do we observe object changing state?)

    1. This week we learn how to create something mechatronic (smart machine).
    2. Smart machines are like toddlers. They can work on their own or together but they require guidance.


To do Done
Group assignment
Mechanical design
Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application. No
Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually. No
Document the group project. No
Machine design
Actuate and automate your machine. No
Document the group project No
Individual assignment
Document your individual contribution to the mechanical design. No
Document your individual contribution to the machine design. No

Learning outcomes

Td do Done
Work and communicate effectively in a team and independently. No
Design, plan and build a system. No
Analyse and solve technical problems. No
Recognise opportunities for improvements in the design. No

Checklist questions

Have you? Done
Documented the machine building process to the group page? No
Documented your individual contribution to this project on your own website? No
Linked to the group page from your individual page as well as from group page to your individual pages? No
Shown how your team planned and executed the project (Group page)? No
Described problems and how the team solved them (Group page)? No
Listed future development opportunities for this project (Group page)? No
Included your design files (Group page)? No
You need to present your machine globally and/or include an aprox. 1 min video (1920x1080 HTML5 MP4) + slide (1920x1080 PNG) (Group page)? No
  1. Context

    1. Syllabus FAW15
    2. Assessment FAW15
    3. Tutorial FAW15
    4. Video FAW15
    5. Review FAW15
  2. Comprehend

    1. A machine becomes smart when it can react to its environment.
    2. Smart machines
  3. Take caution

    1. Human
    2. Machine
    3. Environment
  4. Calibrate

  5. Control

    1. Material-machine interface
      1. Materials
      2. Fixtures
      3. Tools
    2. Machine-controller interface
    3. Controller-CAM interface
    4. CAM-design interface
    5. Design-human interface
    6. Group assignment 1
      1. Mechanical Design a machine that includes (mechanism + actuation + automation)
      2. Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually.
      3. Document project
    7. Group assignment 2
      1. Machine design, actuate and automate your machine.
      2. Document project
  6. Create

    1. Human-science interface
    2. Human-industry interface
    3. Human-art interface
    4. What assumptions can we break?
    5. Individual assignment 1. Document contribution made two
  7. T, depth of knowledge rubric: comprehend, control, create

  8. Time, observer, prediction
  9. Can automata create themselves from nothing? No matter, no energy.
  10. Can automata learn? Can they create new knowledge?

Learning objectives

Mechanical design

Group assignment

  1. Design a machine that includes (mechanism + actuation + automation)
  2. Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually.
  3. Document the group project

Individual assignment

  1. Document your individual contribution.

Machine design

Group assignment

  1. Actuate and automate your machine.
  2. Document the group project

Individual assignment

  1. Document your individual contribution.

Assignment tasks

Step 001

Learning outcomes

  1. Work and communicate effectively in a team and independently
  2. Design, plan and build a system
  3. Analyse and solve technical problems
  4. Recognise opportunities for improvements in the design