Final Project Description

Fab Academy 2023


Final Project

  • Project Name: Lenigan96 CNC
  • Type of Structure: Smart Tool Box for CNC
  • Owner: Walter Elias Lenigan Rodriguez

Description of Final Project

Fab Academy 2023

I thought about this from the perspective of a remote student...

TI’ve had a really hard time getting involved in the Fab Academy due to lack of a la in my home country Honduras. I tried different solutions but the fact that I didn’t have an instructive on a fiscal form brings a lot of challenges. One of those challenges was acquiring my own CNC and learning how to use it by myself. In my opinion the CNC router is the machine with the biggest learning curve. One of the things that took me weeks of researching to slightly understand was the bits.

The idea is to create a smart tool box for my CNC

The first spiral of the idea is creating a little box that can tell where I can find the 1/8 in., ¼ in and the clamps. I’ll use my Raspberry Pi 4 equipped with Node Red to eventually give it the capabilities of communication with someone out of the local server with Node Red.

Log #1 [Design]

Log #1

I suffered with a big problem while being trapped for so long in Panama (FAB Academy 2020) in a small room for months before coming back to Honduras in a humanitarian flight.

I had a big problem with the space around me. The room I was in had too much furniture inside. Most of it was never used by me and took to much space. I wanted more space to exercise and move around. Then a crazy idea came to my head. I could maybe build furniture that could hide itself from an area if it’s not being uses. Maybe use the walls or under the floor to hide a table. I did a google search to get some inspiration and I found many designs. I want a real size table that can be controlled with any smart devise (maybe movement, lights, etc.).

Design Log [2]

Log [2]