Jorge Javier - Fab Academy 2020-21



Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

In this week, the idea must turn into reality, a project that can be shared to a community with common porpouse, an invention so simple and attractive, that people will understand how and be amazed by the ease of use.


The main idea is to look deep into de world and the web, to ensure a proper way for sharing.



As everyone might notice the Creative Commons platform, with their own words "Help us build a vibrant, collaborative global commons", this encourage people to protect their work as well as have the tools to spread the wrod all over.


Another great platform, is Kickstarter, an open place for inventors, entrepeneurs and creative people alike, to have a startup business, portray the product and finally make it a reality through funding.

That search lead to a defining moment, and thanks to Fran and The Beach Lab for showing us a clear path and stop wasting time with nonsense ideas.

Dissemination Plan:


1.- Make it work: a product that actually works, a finished object

2.- Appealing: a new version of something that attracts the user

3.- Unique and common: a known geometry that fits new uses

4.- Quality and affordable: a product that  ensures a long lasting and with a rooted sense of belonging

5.- Advertising: a solid campaing to show the world the product

6.- Solid and durable: a finished product that needs no maintenance

7.- Adaptable and integrable: a finished product that could fit within the years and evolving objects

Following the artistic ideas and visions from several artists and designers as SoftLab or Trafik, i'd like to create a sort of personal experience with my project, as mentioned before, an affordable object that make a unique atmosphere within a space.

The main poster draft is something like this:

So, the whole idea is to reach a goal as a lamp, an everyday tool that could interact with the user, for those we work in large tables and are swinging from  one computer to a table to another flat surface, to have a following light throughout the horizontal or vertical movement.


      (failure of) business plan - to create a lamp for a design-working environment

      (need for) management team - have a group of people testing and using it for a limited period

      (problems in) scaling - how will it grow and how will it evolve

      (pressure for) exit - constraints of time

      (limitations of) founders - me and only me at least for a while



The final oprational system could be applied into a commercial premises or retail architectural envioronments, in order to have a sensorial experience.

This system can be improved with another laser or step sesnors, also, it might feature a color scheme, in case of certain accents in the architectural development.


I have seen that maybe with a gradient or solid backgrounds as a remminiscent expression of JAMES TURREL, the final experience will have the proper impact for inner spaces.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.