Assignment 8

Our week 8 assignment was to read our microcontrollor data sheet and program our HelloWorldBoard to do something. I have my board built and have both the ISP and Hello World Board milled and stuffed/soldered.

I have the components all complete

Next we were to read over the data sheet for our micro controller - the attiny44. I downloaded the 238 page pdf as a reference. This was the first time I have taken a look at a document like this. It was very overwhelming at first but I think I am starting to get it figured out after some careful reading. I figured out that there are different sections and each one has reference and instructions for programming parts of the board. There is a ton of useful information in this document regarding different pin settings and importing information regarding the clock and other items .

Following the tutorial linked to from the class page I started to download the software/apps needed to program the board.

After connecting with Blair this morning he suggested that I also talk to the IT people about getting a dedicated machine to run Ubunto in the lab as it seems to be "easier". I am going to also bring this up as it might free up time on both ends if I am able troubleshoot our lab issues better without always bringing them into the mix. I also did some research and it seems that both Arduino and Atmel Studio can load the programming onto the board. I am getting the feeling that I am missing a crucial step in the process as I can enter in the info on both software interfaces but have issues actually getting it to finish the loading process. Kayla and I are working this weekend on the homework so maybe two heads are better than one. Here are the screens from both software:

So I am obviously not 100% complete with the week 8 assignment but I am slowly plugging away on it. I will do some more research tonight and see what I can find. I have a feeling there are others out there in my situation so hopefully tomorrow's review will help out.

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