Week 01:Principles and Practices, Project Management

First it is required for create an account & repositry in Gitlab.fabcloud.org. In last year(2019) I was used in Github. Now, in the beginning, I forgot how to use Git. With guideness from my instructor and recollecte the informations from my ast year notes sucessfully I created a repositry in Gitlab.fabcloud.org. Then, I merged my local directory in to the repositry by using Git Bash.

Repositry created and added the files

After completion of the above said work, what should I put on the page? and how?

I need to design a website for me. I have little knowldge about how to edit the html coding.So, I selected the sourch codes from some of websites which I want creat the web site and edited & added the images where ever its required.

For this work I am using the tool Notepad++ for create/edit the html coding.

HTML Editing tool - Notepad++

Finally I created a website for me