KEY DISCIPLINE: Tech hardware, 3D printers, digital manufacturing, prototyping, engineering at heart, maker.
Lucio, a Brazilian law graduate with an MBA in Business, is an ex-executive who turned his life around by selling his house and buying a sailboat. He crossed the Atlantic twice and lived for a year with his family aboard, sailing around the coast of Brazil and the Caribbean Islands. He loves inventing, sailing, cooking, practicing martial arts. While living in Shanghai, he joined the Shanghai Hackerspace.
Located in the western Algarve, Portugal, on secluded farmland, 20 minutes from beautiful surf beaches, the Fab Farm, besides the usual fab lab equipment, will have rooms for guests, sponsored residents, and staff. The Fab Farm is inside the farmland and aims to serve:
Irrigation System Controller
For my final project, I developed an irrigation system controller. It allows scheduling of irrigation events by zone and time, and displays humidity and temperature. The PCB has extra pins for expansion. This project aims to automate the irrigation process, reducing manual intervention and improving efficiency.