Invention, Intellectual Property & Income

Future Opportunities

The task this week is to go through possible licensing models for sharing my work. My project was purely for learning purposes. Since I was a beginner in almost everything covered at the Fab Academy, I was very careful with the choice of my project as to make it simple yet meaningful. I got to explore and test but I didn't get to invent and get too creative. For this reason, I know I will not go for any licensing model. Also, at this point, I'm not looking into getting an income out of this as I looked at it merely as an educational investment. Despite that, I went through some licensing options because my intention is not only to learn how to make but also how to make a living out of it. Therefore, I decided to go through some of the available options:

MIT license
This permissive license comes with very little restrictions. It is flexible and compatible with many commonly used licenses. Sounds ideal for open-source projects.

Creative Commons
This is one that I'm familiar with. It allows public use and distribution of work and has the following types:
CC - Creative Commons. States that everybody can use, share, change or adapt the licenced work.
BY - Ensures that other users give credit to the original creator.
NC - Non Commercial; prevents commercial use.
SA - Share Alike; improvement on original work is redistributed under the same license.
ND - No Derivatives; no redistribution of modifications of original material.

General Public Licenses
GNU ensure freedom of distribution of a free software.

Copyright © Reeman Bustami 2019