#include //including libraries #define Target_ID 0x8 //defining my only one slave ID #include SendOnlySoftwareSerial mySerial(1); // defining serial ID and TX pins, just to send messages to serial monitor void setup() { Wire.begin(); // declaring i2c bus communication.. Wire.setClock(10000) ; //.. as low frequency mySerial.begin(9600); // and I set the serial communication too. } void loop() { Wire.requestFrom(Target_ID, 9); // And so here I am requesting 9 bytes from slave 0x8 (to read the set word "connected" in the slave sender code).. while (Wire.available()) // so I set that if this communication is available, during it .. { char text = Wire.read(); //.. this master will read (Wire.read ID = text) sent messages; mySerial.print(text); // and will show them in the serial monitor. } }