About me

Hi! I am Simon CHARPENTIER. I Am actuallly a cabinetmaker & Employee of LA MACHINERIE Fab Lab since one year.

My background

I own the Diploma of Crafts from 2013 to 2015 in The city of Saint-Quentin, France. I am also an expert in 3D modeling and Machining. I wish to explore more fabrication aspects I could combine with my traditional Woodworking knowledge.

Previous work

The hidden facet

We were given a quote from Herman Melville that is « There some entreprises in which a careful disordeliness is the true method ».

For find my theme, I made a brainstorming from the quotation.

I chosen the area of the mosaïc, because the mosaïc is a art decorative comprising little pieces irregular that creates a disorder, but he must look far for understand the mosaïc.

With this theme, I wanted allied the cabinet making and the mosaïc, interpret the mosaïc with the wood for create a visual.

For this theme, I chose as partner Stephanie Levallier that is a mosïque artist and plastic artist, she have a workshop in Paris.

To give an idea of my project, I chose like insparation Daniel Rozin, he is an artist, educator and developer, working in the area of interactive digital art, I took as reference her work call « wooden mirror ».

I create a furniture for exhibitions these creations, in this way create the link between cabinet making and the mosaïc.