Assignment: Work through a git tutorial, build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project.
Learning outcomes: Explore and use website development tools, Identify and utilise version control protocols
Making the website During the first week of Fab Academy we had an instruction session with our local instructor Juan about building our own personal websites. As I have previous experience in html, css, javascript and building quick websites for my initiatives I was pretty confident that I could pull it off.
The first thing which I did was to go online and check for a clean responsive single page website template. I went over a few bootstrap templates but I did not like how slow they scrolled to each section of the page, how dull they looked and they were not as responsive they did not scale nicely on mobile devices.I ended up coming across Transcend free design studio website template and decided to go with that.
The template was exactly what I was looking for. The theme color was pink which I loved. It scrolled smooth and quickly and it had a clean look to it. After downloading my template I went along and make the outline of how I would want to navigate through my website.
I decided to have on my home page a nice Header with Image and Welcome Message, About Section and Weekly Assessments section which will navigate viewers to that specific html page externally instead of on the same home page, a section for a direct link to my end final project, and finally a Contact me section.
I then started to strip the template sections which I did not need and started to add the sections which I wanted.That was done quite quickly.
In my code for my navigation I made two navigations one header-nav which I will be placing on all my html pages for navigating to the 4 main section of my website which is home weekly assesment final project and contact and the second navigation is the navigation for scrolling to specific sections of the selected page.
I also added a home social section for adding my social media links so whoever is viewing my site could take a look of my work.
I then coded sections rows ---> colums for the specific topics I will be covering that week and in that section I coded h1 and h2 tags for titling my sections.I then made p tags for containing my content which will nicly arrange my content into readable paragraphs.
We were told by our local instructor to use git as our version control tool. The first thing which I did was to download git executable for my windows OS and installed it.I choose the default parameter when doing my installation.After I was finished with my installation I launched git bash and added my git account credentials git config --global "Julie Sundar" git config --global to access my fab academy repository. Before I can add an SSH key I need to generate one so I downloaded putty gen for windows os from
As I was making changes to my git repository I realized that I could not preview my website from the fabacademy url therefore something was missing. I initially thought I needed to put my entire website in the initial doc directory but after speaking to our local instructor he mentioned to me that I just needed to add the .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of my repository. I navigated to my root of my gitlab repository created a New file template .gitlab-ci.yml and on the right selected from the dropdown Apply a GitLab CI Yaml template to html
Some of the problems or things I had to keep in mind when using git and using my own html templates is first make sure when selecting my template I had to select something lightweight and does not have too many libraries.
When uploading my website to git I generated a ssh ras key using git bash and copied its content to my git repo because I was not getting authenticated.
When uploading images to my website I forgot to compress and resize my images and my git repository became 433mb so dont forget to keep track of your image size.
Another tedious thing about using your own html template is making sure you select correct coloum size so that your image can alight nicly on your website especially when you are excting it to be responsive on other devices such as mobile devices.
Lastly keep in mind when using a template which is not free to give credits to the owner.I was not sure about the template which I was using if I had to give credits to the owner if I was not using it for commercial purposes.
Paramaribo Suriname