FAB LAB Khairpur Sukkur IBA Sukkur IBA University Khairpur Campus
Merit, Quality, Excellence


Applications and Implications


individual assignment:
  Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

What will it do?

My Idea for final project is to design a Automatic Hot Water Dispenser, the reason behind this idea is that, In winter i used to drink warm water and it is dificult for me to hot the water on stove when you need.I am belong remote area, where unavailability of gas, There is use to cook or making tea by burning of wood.

Who's done what beforehand?

After searching on internet i found a lot of hot water dispenser but there cost are too high and consume more power.
So i want to construct a low cost hot water dispenser which consume less power and can be operated through mobile application.


Hot water dispenser

Price of Hot water dispenser.

What will you design?

I planned to design Automatic Hot Water Dispenser using skills which I have learned while doing fablab course. While considering above mentioned Automatic hot water dispenser, my project working will be different from their work. I design a system in which Dispenser is managed on bluetooth, a person excess Hot water dispenser by using his mobile or laptop.

What materials and components will be used?

Where will come from?

most of the components and material are from FABLAB Khairpur, these are some components which I bought, the list is mentioned below:

How much will they cost?

Components Number of components * Price of
Total price (USD) link
Solenoid valves
2 * 5.2
click here for link
Metalic storage tank
1 * 4.5
bought locally
Water immersion heater
1 * 3.3
bought locally
Water proof (DS18B20) digital temperature sensor
1 * 1.2
bought locally
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
1 * 3.95
Fab inventory
click here for link
4x4-ft 16mm MDF Board
1 * 7.3
bought locally
1x1-ft 3mm Transparent Acrylic Sheet
1* 1.04
bought locally
Bluetooth Module HC-05
1 * 2.6
Fab inventory
click here for link
1 * 4.2
Fab inventory
click here for link
PVC flexible pipe Ø10mm (L=2meter)
1 * 0.04
Bought locally
Brass hose nipples Ø10mm
3 * 0.133
Brass bush with nut
1 * 0.33
Bought locally
12V Relay
3 * 0.13
12V 2Amp Adapter
1 * 1.5
bought locally
PLA 3D printed pieces
$24.5/1kg required 2g.
Total Cost

What parts and systems will be made?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

How will it be evaluated?

it should be evaluated on it's utility and the process involved in making this , As this project involve most of the skills which i learn during my weekly assignment as this involve, Designing, 3D printing, Laser cutting, computer controlled cutting, manufacturing technique, input and output devices as Ultrasonic sensor,digital temperature sensor for input, and solenoids for output, bluetooth for interfacing and electronics production etc.

Creative Commons License
Automatic Hot Water Dispenser by Tariq Ahmed Shaikh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://fabacademy.org/2019/labs/khairpur/students/tariq-ahmed/