About me

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Hi! I am Gyasi Williams. I am an amateur musician, and aspiring engineer/creative. I currently live in Jackson, MS where I am part of a team building a community Fab Lab based organization called the Community Production Cooperative.

Visit this website to see my work!

My background

I was born in a Los Angeles, California suburb named Lynwood. I grew up heavily involved in the visual arts, music, athletics (football, basketball, track), and science. I have a degree in History from the University of California at Berkeley.

Previous work

I previously helped build a 1/8th scale model Tiny House with the help of Blair Evans and Incite Focus. Now that I’m in Fab Academy, I intend to learn about and refine an heating & energy management system that can be scaled up to a full-sized home. Additionally, I will be researching how to most efficiently source materials for a home locally, with the aim of producing a home for under twenty thousand dollars.

Previous Project

Below are images from my previous group work at Incite Focus:

Tiny-House scale model with glue drying

More images of construction of the tiny house.