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Final Project - All Ways Sound



Design and Programming

Compressed pack


All Ways Sound video
All Ways Sound presentation (Wednesday, June 12th - 2019)
All Ways Sound demo

Weekly contributions to the project

Week11 > Input devices
Week13 > Applications and implications
Week18 > Wildcard week
Week19 > Invention, intellectual property and income


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

Credit and acknowledgment

  • The FabLab Universitario CIDi, FADA-UNA and CONACYT for entrusting me with this beautiful task for the benefit of Paraguayan society, interesting in every needing.
  • The community network for sharing resources, tools, wisdom and ideas with the best willings, specially to Proyecto Electronico .com (speaker amplifier circuit), PROMETEC (LED strip circuit), Dejan Nedelkovski (ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino code), Arduino and Adafruit Industries.
  • The Fab Academy network and partners for the advices, meetings, contributions and support, specially to Beno Juárez, Fiore Basile, Eduardo Chamorro, Fab Lab León (Adrián, Nuria and Pablo), Fran (The Beach Lab), Sibusaman, Amy Beaulisch (fablab ULB), Silvia Lugo and Abdon Troche (TECSUP), Elena Cardiel (Fab Lab León) and people on another FabLabs with whom I’ve beeen connected in some way.
  • The FabLab IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) for every moment and solutions given by the great team: Juan, Sabela, Enio, Luis, Ignacio, Dani and the Master and Design students getting around, and for receiving me again as a student.
  • The Fab Academy 2019 IED partners for the effort done and the very very continous support, ideas, patience, mood and company: Abdhay, Pepe, Javi and specially Rodrigo [aka Ruoudrigou] and Hugo [aka Hiugou].
  • The others. The others are not worse or less, they are the most important, and they are also a lot to make a list. Basically, and specially, the families and friends for the empathy and blind trust without any distance.
  • Professor Neil Gershenfeld for sharing his ‘collected/collective’ wisdom with the example, and for always encouraging the people to focus on the horizons without losing the rigor and commitment.
  • Marta Verde [aka ‘the problem solver’, aka ‘the code genius’, aka ‘the visuals lover‘ (sorry for joking by labeling you) for setting the rhythm and pushing until the end, for raising the standards, for being so professional, for her notices and advices, for her patience, for caring and being always attentive, for her great mood and for her “know how to be”.