Project Management

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    - work through a  git tutorial
        build a  personal site 
            in the class archive 
                describing you and 
                    your  final project


Started by Fab Academy Tutorials, follow the instructions, created a local SSH key, and copied it to FabCould, where my website is..
But since I already had a ssh key from last year, it had not worked... no connection stablished.

So I decided to study more about Git, since I perceived that it also as a super-cool-tool to upgrade my own performance with digital tools.
I found a good book.

Git Pro Book

Class Archives

...need to Upgrad the way of work...

when trying to upload the "Hand-made" website, it doesnt worked... so

I decided, following the local instructor guidence, to try use the FabAcademy website templace available on FabCloud, and used it to publish the first two assingments of Fab academy 2019…

meanwhile I recovered the Last year code ( Fab academy 2018 website ), adjusted and published it through GIT as we see it now.

MY website

I'll go Low Tech and use plain HTML5 and CSS, and write every line of my website, starting with very basic comands… order to grow My coder muscle hopping to become a Programmer by the end of Fab Academy

SideNote: Coder vs. programmer

Graphic design

I'd looked into many guidelines on WebGraphical design, and also read about Responsable Web Design

And thought on using BootStrap Framework, but to be able to costumize it I needed more HTML5 skills and Javascrit, and also I noticed that I was "uploading" into my website folder a couple of files that I do not know deepelly..., so I decided to keep the design at the level of the Writing, the "Code", using mainlly characters as objects of decoration...

I used Brakets as my web development environment...because the tutorial on Fab Academy provided my the essentials...

but it needed to have more than one level of information on mysite, i needed to have a kind of a notes book, so I decided to make it as Wiki, a place to record and publish related information, a kind of the Bibliografy or Reference Guide.


I read about the wikis and its simplicity apealed to me

Tried to install MoinMoin but it was two confusing, and there’s not mutch information (at least that I could understand) on it.

.... So I decided to take a coffee and....

Went to FabAcademy SEARCH engine asking for help: I shouted “install wiki” and got this good documentation from Matthieu Borgognon that used TiddlyWiki

and from then after I'd been growing MyWiki, as a new specialized brain muscle....

... and add new Programming Languages

I went on learning JAVASCRIPT

the best readings have been: W3Schools

... And luky I found this very good bok !!!!! Eloquent JavaScript

Final Project

I would like to create a


.......... which is a place to grow Fungi

for me, a Fungarium is mix between an aquarium and a biorector to grow and study Fungi.
A vivarium of any size having at least one transparent side in which fungi, lichens and bacteria are kept and displayed.

Gather information about:

Digitally Control:

in a Box/Containner:

Some ilustrations


Fungarium schematic

....made of:





Vision System

Moving Axis
Moving Axis



Consola for local Interaction
