Outputs Devices

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individual assignment:
    add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed,
         and program it to do something


I'd sow that I'd some out-of-use Fans in my homeLab:

Knowing the Voltage and Current needed to make them work:

used the ISO-TECH Laboratory DC Power Supply IPS 303DD

Connected the GND and VCC

V=3 and A=0,11.. made it work...

Board design

I would need to create a mean to use them in the Fungarium to make air circulate... so

some research... starting at FabAcademy - "inputs fan"

I found some students output assigments with fan

Studing Atmega328P

Atmega328P Speed

One of the main issues is the Microcontroller speed and acuracy needed to control the outputs

found inspiring page About Circuits, which I'll quote:

By default Atmega328P will work at 1 Mhz, because Fuse Bit Low default value is 0, so the value presented in Table 8-10, note 2, of 8 Mhz will be devied by 8, resulting in 1 Mhz.

!!! Set it to work at 16 Mhz.

Need to work on the Hardware and Software.

Hardware: Add a Crystal Oscillator:

            16 Mhz crystal
            two 22pF ceramic capacitors
            connected to XTAL1 as input pin
                    and XTAL2 as output pin

Here it's

Eagle 9.3.0 does not recognize FAB.LBR...

so I installed an oler version, Eagle 7.7. for MAC 64bts just to add the components, if you need here is the Zip file to install the EAGLE 7.7 MAC 64bits

Software: Change the Fuse Low Byte settings

            - only the Fuse Low Byte needs to be changed
            Considerations around the Fuse Low Byte:
                - bit 7 needs to be changed from 0 to 1
                - bit 6 can be left set to 1
                - Bits 5 and 4 control the startup time - set to 1 1
                - Bits 3-0 control the oscillator choice - 1 1 1

Atmega328P Power

I will need to conect a external power supply, so found this one on my stuff:

actual design actual design

adding the components in eagle 77

actual design

wiring in EAGLE 9.3.0

actual design

OutPut's connections

I'll need to use PWM to both Outputs

actual design

I'll connect a Pair of Colums and a pair os fans, each using 2 pin-headers

actual design actual design

Even knowing that there's a missing link between all the GND's I'd cutted it on Milling Machine

actual design

I'm assuming a risk....that not all the Atmega328P GND pins are collectively connected.... But a read online that this could work even so....

Correction: my Fab Guro advised me to use a 0ohm resitor to connect the grounds lefting in last design... and here is the new Eagle Board Design, you can Download Schematic and Board

actual design actual design

Soldering all the parts.... 4 capacitors in a row :)

There was no 22pF capacitor on the lab, so I'd to join 4 to have this capacity: 10pF + 10pF + 1pF +1pF

and after soldering here it is...

actual design

There was no 22pF capacitor on the lab, so I'd to join 4 to have this capacity: 10pF + 10pF + 1pF +1pF

Atmega328 P Datasheet: