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assignment Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering: What will it do? Who's done what beforehand? What will you design? What materials and components will be used? Where will come from? How much will they cost? What parts and systems will be made? What processes will be used? What questions need to be answered? How will it be evaluated? Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable
Fungarium is an aquarium for Fungi. A vivarium of any size having at least one transparent side in which fungi, lichens and bacteria are kept and displayed.
.......... which is a place to grow Fungi
for me, a Fungarium is mix between an aquarium
and a biorector
to grow and study Fungi
A vivarium
of any size having at least one transparent side in which fungi, lichens and bacteria are kept and displayed.
I should gather information about:
Digitally Control:
in a Box/Containner:
A device capable of generating a range of physical and chemical conditions applied to terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems. Its principle is to confine a biological system (natural or artificial, complex or simplified one) in a enclosure sealed in matter but not in energy, and simultaneously measure and control flows of matter and energy. For this purpose, the enclosures are equiped with many sensors to obtain precise real-time measurements and different actuators to control and modify the enclousure environmental conditions.
A climate controlled chamber for something to be incubated. It has DHT11 Temperature and Humidity and Relay contolled switches for Light and Heat.
A microwatering system for Cogus Kits, a system that gives autonomy to the mushroom growth, considering environment variables (humidity, sunlight, C02, etc.).
I'll design the house for the Fungi as well the information system to study them, to learn with them how to setle the adequate conditions for its germination, growth and fruiting.
Since we need to have living organisms inside that are fragil and potentially dangerous for humans, I need to work on the selection of the adequate materials that complies with at least:
I’ll design the Fungarium in such a way that we could re-assemble it with different materials and parts, specially recovered from old equipament…
The more expensive was de pH meter that I’d brought from DFRobotics (USA) and summing all the transportation and legalization costs, ended in around 250 euros. In future applications I hope to be able to manage pH without this very big investment.
I’ll to the circuit boards for each of the sensores and actuators. I’ll do the inclosures for the sensosrs that will be inside the ground, so to protect them from moisture degradation.
I’ll use laser cutting, milling and 3D printing. Also electronics desig and prodction, as well networking, interface programed
How can I make my own pH meter that informs tge control system about the acidity, alkali in both ground and air.
“I’ll be working on a FUNGARIUM, a digitally controlled box to observe and study the fungi growth”